Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Birds of a feather

Jeb Bush gave a speech today in which he said he loved his father and brother but that he was "his own man."

Anybody outside of a Bush family member actually believing that needs to have a bucket of ice water dumped on their head.

Fucking really?  He is a Bush of the inherited wealth/buddy system for being even wealthier just as Bush the First and Bush the Lesser are, and just like them he has no idea what the economic reality of 99% of Americans is like, and even worse, just like the previous Bushes, he doesn't care.  And as for the rest of the world--well fuck them, they aren't rich or Americans anyhow.

On the bright side, Jeb Bush is probably the best candidate republicans have to face Hillary Clinton, at least from a standpoint of keeping their losses at just the White House level.

But from a having to survive in America economically in this day and age standpoint, I can't see American voters believing that the third time will be the charm for the Bush family.  Two economic disasters are more than enough, thank you.


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