Sunday, April 29, 2012

An alternate universe

Which is where republicans live.

John Boehner today noted that Americans don't want to vote for a loser--which is why they'll support Willard Romney, because he shows us that we, too, can be successful.

For fuck's sake, Francis, really?  Because, you know, my Dad did okay in life but I certainly didn't start out with a couple million dollar head start like Willard did.  That's not sour grapes, that's just sickness with this republican meme that we can all be like people born with a silver spoon in their mouth.

My old man came from a broken home and grew up in the poor neighborhood of Redondo Beach.  With a GED and a lot of guts, he ended up with a successful management career in the steel industry.  In the last thirty years, thanks to people like Willard and his Bain Capital minions (and that numbnuts, Ronald Reagan), people who succeed like my father did are getting fewer and fewer.  In fact, it's reached a point where even a college degree is no longer the ticket to even a comfortable life.

And for Boehner to go on national TV and tell some idiot that Willard Romney's life story is some kind of inspiration to the 99% of us who aren't fortunate sons is the height of delusion.  And good luck with that story line come November.


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