Monday, September 20, 2010

An Analogy

Say you get home late from work one night, and you're starving. Just have to have something to eat...but, it's a few days before payday and all that's in the house is bread and peanut butter. With no funds, a quick jaunt to the grocery store or Taco Bell is out of the question, so you settle for a peanut butter sandwich. It may not be mouth watering, it may not be what you wanted, but it gets the job done. Now switch to a couple of days after payday. You come home starving again, but you've had a chance to do some grocery shopping and you've got some steaks in the fridge, the fixing for some tacos, some pork chops, hell, you've even got some hot dogs and a can of Hormel chili for the quick meal in case you're too tired to cook. Now, are you going to have a peanut butter sandwich on this night? Hell no! You're going to eat good. For those idiots out there like Christine O'Donnell, the republican candidate for Senate in Delaware, in the above analogy the peanut butter sandwich is masturbation; the steak, the tacos, the pork chops, hell, even the chili dogs are sex with a real woman. This is why you're "in the picture" so to speak. (Special shout out for this piece--and video--both quite amusing). Peace, emaycee

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