Wednesday, June 2, 2010

My oh my, why oh why

This piece is another of those lame-ass pieces that appear all too frequently in the Free Press. You would think by now I would take them with a grain of salt.... Think again. This whole idea that somehow, by some miracle, if we'd all just sing fucking "Kumbaya" together the country would be a lot better off is misguided at best, and delusional at worst. The legislation that has helped the American people most (think Social Security, Medicare, Civil Rights Act of 1964) were not largely bipartisan efforts, but bold ideas strong-armed through by courageous leaders. Bipartisanhip is a code word for wishy-washy people who are more than happy to accept mediocrity (see also, Healthcare reform 2010) and the status quo (see also, Financial reform 2010). Far too much goddamned time is spent trying to appease centrists and acquiesing to Republican proposals (even though they don't vote for the mother fuckers). The majority of the American people voted for Democrats with Democratic principles and to enact those principles. If they turn out to be piss-poor, Republicans get another shot. Besides, as noted by Digby, what bipartisanship means to most people is that the other side should give in to their demands. Two words: fuck that. Don't believe me? How do you think the majority of Americans would answer this question: Would you rather have a good bill that was entirely partisan, or a bad bill that was bipartisan? Case closed. Newt Gingrich? I mean the Newt fucking Gingrich? If he's the best the Republicans have to offer, they're an even more pathetic group than I had thought. Forget the resignation amidst scandal, forget his role in the impeachment of Clinton while he's schtupping a woman not his wife, but this: the guy asks his wife for a divorce while she's in the hospital being treated for cancer. Think about that...if he's willing to treat his wife, the mother of his children, that callously, do you think for a minute that he's going to give two shits about you? Puhlease! Gingrich is another Republican loser bankrolled by Corporate America and the wealthy whose only interest is his (their) own. No surprise that a pinhead like Finley would be enamored of Gingrich's failed ideas, but the Detroit Regional Chamber? While I realize that the Chamber (despite its trying to appear as such) isn't exactly a bipartisan organization (its motto would probably be "goverment of the corporation, by the corporation, for the corporation") but you'd think they could do a little better than a second-rate ideologue. I'm not a statitician, but these numbers don't make much sense. Forty percent of Michigan voters back the Tea Party, but 36% say the Democratic Party best reflects their values, 24% Republican, and 17% the Tea Party. Methinks--as with much of the Tea Party coverage--the headline is overhyped and the poll questions piss poor. It's the Free Press--I'm shocked, shocked I tell you.... Peace, emaycee

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