Monday, June 7, 2010

I see myself walking with The King

A nice response from the King on my post on the state of the Democratic party (scroll down, I'm too tired to make another link).

A brief response:

I'm at the tail end of Howard Zinn's A People's History of the United States and it has become somewhat disconcerting to see how the Democratic party, while throwing at least a few more bones to the poor and middle class than Republicans, are really not much better at combatting the military-industrial complex in this country (and, in fact, more often than not supporting it). I've spent a few days thinking about it, though, and really see no other alternative other than to keep supporting the party (third parties are pointless in America, despite the limited success of the Tea Party), and keep working from within to change it for the better and make it live up to its ideals.

What the fuck, Son, we're Giants fans: we're dedicated believers in the impossible.


1 comment:

  1. I know I'm behind on this — I just got caught up on your posts — but I came across these articles that I thought might offer some perspective of the Democratic malaise: a) and b) (which is actually linked to in the last article)

    It's a reminder that progress takes time and even the Great Society and New Deal legislation looked like sausage being made when they were first passed.
