Sunday, May 2, 2010

A Working Class Response

Every now and again, a piece comes along that makes me remember a) why I finally started this blog, and b) I am proud to be a liberal democrat. This is one of those pieces... A response: We are Main Street. Unlike you, we don't sell thin air--we have to sell real products to real people. 85k a year? Good fucking luck matching that in the real world. Bonuses? They're not six figures--three or four figures if we get one, and it's usually less than 5k. I don't know where you get your information, but hour lunches? Not many of those either. We also work close to sixty hours a week--yes, it's not the ninety you claim to work, but we don't recall a gun being put to your head to either make you work that many or to take the job in the first place. You sound like a Republican (the whining is a dead giveaway)--and since you bozos are so big on personal responsibility, maybe it's time you took a little. My guess is you would be shitty at our jobs for one big reason--we eat a lot of shit here on Main Street and you wimps couldn't stomach the turd sandwiches we eat every fucking day. And by the way, when we fuck up and cost lives and livelihoods--like, say, selling expired baby formula that sickens an infant--we get arrested. Welcome to the legal system in the real world: we don't get the best lawyers money can buy and sympathetic (and probably paid for) judges. We get the best lawyer we can afford and prosecutors looking to add another notch in their belt on their way to running for higher offices. And we don't go to minimum security prisons and play golf--we get the real deal with sociopaths and tossed salads. Don't even start on unions. The only fools are the people who don't believe in them. The United Steel Workers of America got me a decent wage so that I could pay for college. And while I've never had the privilege of belonging to the UAW, living here in Michigan I give thanks for them every day. God only knows how little the corporate overlords would pay the rest of us without their fighting for decent wages and benefits. As for teaching--do you think for a minute we'd let you anywhere near our kids? You ought to thank God for murderers, rapists, and child molesters--they're the only people we'd trust less than you to educate our children (though you'd share a spot with your heroes--pinheads like Limbaugh, Beck, Palin, and their goofy Tea Party robots). You might try picking up a book, though--if you ever had, you'd know that dinosaurs roamed the earth for 160 million years. And you idiots crapped out, in what, 20 years? Apparently you aren't as vicious (or as good at what you do) as you think. So you'd eat what's on our dinner plates. How quaint. We'd puree your pampered asses for breakfast, lunch, and fucking dinner. You idiots couldn't do our jobs--though we'd love to see you try. Watching you run home crying to Mommy after about a month would be good for a few laughs, and thanks to you clowns we could use a few right now. Frankly, I hope the Obama administration wins big--all your talk about trickle down is just that: talk. All we've got for your efforts is 401ks (instead of pensions) that won't last, the smallest job creation in history (thanks to your hero George W.), medical expenses zooming beyond our reach, and the highest unemployment since the last big conservative idiot, Reagan. Thanks for the finger fuck, limp dicks. The only thanks you deserve from Main Street can be summed up in two words: fuck you. Thus endeth the lesson. Peace, emaycee

1 comment:

  1. Excellent, those assholes need to remember that life is a shit sandwich, the more bread you have, the less shit you have to eat.
