Sunday, May 30, 2010

More Reasons I'll Never Be a Conservative, Vol. 867,000

So much time, so little to do...stop, reverse that.... Apparently, the Catholic Church doesn't have its hands full enough with the massive priests and pedophiles tour, they need to be evaluating a group of nuns who appear to have more class in their habits than Pope Bendict has in the entire Vatican. It's like the Vatican's leadership is trying to destroy itself much like the Republican Par...oh, wait a minute, they are one and the same. I particularly like the quote from the lunatic who says the compassionate nuns are being encouraged to do some serious "re-evaluation." Over what? Whether or not the Church is worth their efforts? In light of our troubles with teaching kids how to read (am I the only one who finds it horrible that Massachusetts--gotta love those bluer than blue states--is number one in the nation and still 53% of their fourth graders can't read proficiently?), the failure of the White House and Congress to act on Sen. Harkin's amendment to save 100,000 teacher's jobs is unconscionable. Without solid education for our youngsters, our future as a nation is bleak, bleaker, and bleakest. This is just pathetic--stupid is as stupid does and our leaders seem bent on proving Forrest Gump correct. *ASIDE* I never paid much attention to Sen. Harkin before this year, but he's rapidly becoming one of my favorites. His push on healthcare, fight for the public option, and his teacher's amendment make him aces.... So if Republicans truly believe the auto safety bill is too tough on auto manufacturers, essentially what they're saying is that corporate profits are more important than American lives. Can someone of importance please point out their callousness to the American public? Please? A turd (a.k.a. Karl Rove) visited our great state this week, and said, "I don't need to tell you that the president of the United States has been an absolute disaster when it comes to spending...." Which is especially rich coming from the man who helped elect the idiot who turned a surplus into the largest deficit in U. S. history. Note to the imcompetent reporter (Kathleen Gray of the Free Press) who failed to point this out: you ought to head to the Beltway--your complete and utter cluelessness would fit in perfectly with the other Beltway reporters. Rove also said, "Why is it that special interests are always business, but not unions?" Though I would question his assessment--conservative media points out unions as special interests regularly--uh, I think the short answer would be because UNIONS ARE PROTECTING THE WORKING PEOPLE OF THIS GREAT COUNTRY AND BUSINESSES ARE OUT TO FUCK US OVER. See how simple that was? Thank you AFL-CIO--it's about time somebody stood up to weak-kneed Republican lite Democrats and told them to go fuck themselves when they're not standing up for workers. "Threatening," said Rep. Melton, a "Democrat", "that's the old way of doing things." No, sir, that's how you keep chickenshits such as yourself in line. Between Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, I've seen more than enough of "New" Democrats. Give me an old mother fucking Democrat like Teddy Kennedy anyday--somebody who's going to fight for workers, the poor, the middle class, and not spend most of his time supporting conservative policies and kissing Republican ass. Note to ESPN on the Indy 500--unless Danica Patrick wins the mother fucker, don't wake me up. It isn't newsworthy, and I couldn't care less. Peace, emaycee

1 comment:

  1. Tom Harkin has been pretty impressive as of late, but he's got the luxury of having been overwhelming re-elected in 2008. That means he's got a few more years till people will vote on what he's doing now. I think you'll see him, like others, keep quieter as his next re-election nears.
    That said, I think he's a fine replacement for TK on the HELP committee. He pushes that agenda with aplomb and I look forward to seeing what NCLB, or for the retro ESEA, looks like by the time he's done.
