Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Christ, you know it ain't easy...

So many pinheads, so little time...

First, there's this column by Michael Barone--other than proving that, once again, Conservidiots suck at math (any way you slice it, 54% to 40% is an ass kicking), Mr. Barone is hyping, as Conservidiots are wont to do, what isn't there. The results from the poll are here. Yes, the Dems numbers have slipped, but any way you slice it, millennials favor strong government and are much more liberal than than their elders. Mr. Barone can slice it any way he wants, but the odds of the millennial generation (or a majority thereof) ending up like the tea baggers is absolutely zero. And as for fewer jobs...where is the private sector on this? We keep hearing about how the government can't create jobs, but I don't see the private sector doing shit right now to create jobs. Without the stimulus, we'd be in a full fledged Depression. And my guess is that as the economy turns around, those millennial numbers go up. *ASIDE* I think it's very disingenuous of the Detroit News to call Mr. Barone a political analyst for the Washington Examiner (uh...I'd never heard of the newspaper until this op-ed appeared--if you check out their website you'll see a Republican Who's Who of columnists) and not mention that he's also an analyst for the American Enterprise Institute--in other words, a paid shill for a Conservative funded think tank.

Second...uh, this one is completely beyond me, but it seems there are those among us who are missing George W. Bush. You can even buy mugs, hats, and t-shirts with his goofy face and the words "Miss me yet?" To answer that as succinctly as possible, I miss GWB about as much as I'd miss having a six inch needle rammed through my testicles. Think Progress sums up this kind of bullshit pretty well.

This is my Congressman (boo, hiss). This is my Congressman on drugs: "It's no wonder that Americans all across the country are disgusted with Congress. I've never seen such lyin' and cheatin' and stealin' going on to get a bill [Healthcare reform] passed." I hate to be pissin' and moanin' (in case you're wondering, yes, I do hate phony populism) but Rep. Rogers sure has a short memory. Unless of course, he accidentally said "get a bill passed" and actually meant "get a bill defeated." In that case, he'd be correct for the first time in his career as a Congressman.

What is it about Conservidiots and defending child molesters? As if it's not bad enough they're defending the Catholic church in the indefensible (just google Bill Donohue), but now Rush Dimbulb is defending the Branch Davidians. While I don't think blowing child molesters up is the best way to handle the situation, if my choice is between the government and a child molester, I'm going with the government 100% of the time. You'd think 100% of Americans would agree. This shows how far the Conservative movement has fallen in this country: forget the fact that Koresh and his cult could have eschewed raping children, could have surrendered and taken the matter to court (where any number of excellent attorneys would have defended them)--it's the government's fault. In a word: Horseshit.

Can we please stop calling Timothy McVeigh and the Huttatree "troubled" or a "militia" and call them what they should be called: TERRORISTS.


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