Thursday, April 15, 2010

Anchor 'em down in Anchorage

I've actually thought about this as mentioned by Darksyde of The Daily Kos earlier this week. But I'm willing to take it a step further and make all parties happier. Let's have Alaska secede from the union and let all these folks from the militia, the secessionists, and the tea-partiers move there and create their own, new country--hell, we can even pay their moving expenses.

Think about it: the state is huge, thus ample space for all. Very rugged territory, too, so plenty of space to play their war games, and without painting with too specific of a brush, plenty of hunting and fishing. The state is already significantly right wing, so everybody is on the same page (we can pay moving expenses for those no longer interested in staying--you know, the sane people--in Alaska). Since it's their country they can have their unregulated markets, carry guns like they did in the Old West, have as small of a government as they want, elect Sarah and Glenn as Prez and VP--all in all, it would be a libertarian paradise.

Even better, we could look out for them from a national defense standpoint like we do Canada--we may not always see eye to eye with our brothers up north, but let's face it, if any nation decided to pick on the Canadians, we'd open a can of whup ass on them faster than you can say "hoser." And be happy to do so. So--especially considering they'd all be armed anyway--they'd need to spend next to nothing on defense. We could work out some sweetheart deals on imports and exports (oil for citrus, fish for grain, etc.), and even loan them some start up money (with a small interest rate so as not to offend their desires for everyone to be self-reliant and self-responsible).

Granted, the cold weather might suck a bit, and getting used to that whole six months of night, six months of light oddity might take a while, but still I think it's a win-win situation. They get to live in their Lord of the Flies on steroids fantasyland, and the rest of us get to have civil debates on how to make America even greater than it already is.

And for those anal-retentives who will turn into the Rain Man without there being those fifty stars on our flag, we just give Puerto Rico statehood.

It's as simple as that...



  1. I've made the same argument for years, including the Puerto Rico bit, but I always said they could have Texas.

  2. Recently The Daily Show did a better job of explaining why I think being progressive is good (your secessionist Alaska reminded me of the anti-progressive universe in the video). I think you might get a kick out of it:
