Thursday, June 30, 2022
The right is never right
It’s horrible what Joe Biden and the his radical socialist policies have done to Boris Johnson’s economy.
— Bradley Whitford (@BradleyWhitford) June 22, 2022
No wise man has the power to reason away
The same people who thought Obama was a Muslim, think that Trump is a Christian.
— John Collins (@Logically_JC) June 23, 2022
They lied about Roe, and they're lying about gay marriage and birth control
I think it's worth noting that the people say the Court won't come for Lawrence or Obergefell don't seem to have any account of why the reasoning in Dobbs wouldn't apply there. They just think we should take the word of people who actively misled Congress to get where they are.
— Ned Resnikoff (@resnikoff) June 27, 2022
Guilty much?
"In the past 24 hours, there has been an uptick in the number of violent threats against lawmakers on the House select committee investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection at the U.S. Capitol, and all lawmakers on the committee are likely to receive a security detail."
— George Conway🌻 (@gtconway3d) June 22, 2022
Wednesday, June 29, 2022
We can't trust the republican party with anything
Republicans: Donald Trump staged a coup that ended in an armed insurrection but I'm still voting for him.
— Rachel Bitecofer 📈🔭🇺🇲🇺🇦 (@RachelBitecofer) June 22, 2022
This is why we just can't trust this Republican Party with power, America.
There is no doubt that Trump tried to violently overthrow the U.S. government
There has never in my lifetime been a Congressional hearing more damning to a President. Never.
— Rick Wilson (@TheRickWilson) June 28, 2022
This makes Watergate’s darkest moments look like a bridge club meeting.
Seditious conspiracy
This is what today's testimony was setting up.
— digby (@digby56) June 28, 2022
Meadows told her to set up a call with Roger Stone and Michael Flynn to coordinate the planning for 1/6. This is the seditious conspiracy and it wasn't just some Proud Boys in a garage.
The hearings are working
The consistent and persistent awareness of people around the entire plot that it was criminal has been a huge revelation of these hearings so far.
— Chris Hayes (@chrislhayes) June 29, 2022
Tuesday, June 28, 2022
Barefoot and pregnant, the republican dream
Pediatrician here. This isn't about babies, because if it were, we'd support kids & families with health care, high-quality education, universal child care, reliable housing, access to healthy food. This is about controlling women's bodies.
— Scott Hadland, MD (@DrScottHadland) June 24, 2022
The walls are coming down
NEW: Public confidence in the Supreme Court just plummeted to the lowest level ever recorded in American history. Only 25% of Americans say they have confidence in the Supreme Court now, down double digits since last year, per @gallup.
— No Lie with Brian Tyler Cohen (@NoLieWithBTC) June 23, 2022
You had to be an idiot (Susan Collins) not to see this coming
The big tell that Kavanaugh would vote to overturn Roe was that he was a conservative judge nominated by a Republican president to the Supreme Court.
— Matt Ford (@fordm) June 25, 2022
They're going to need to step aside
However we fix this, if it's even possible, is going to require new thinking. The gerontocracy in charge of the Democratic party is going to have to either recognize that it's not 1991 anymore, or step aside for those who do.
— That Tom Tomorrow guy (@tomtomorrow) June 25, 2022
Monday, June 27, 2022
Republicans love cruelty as much as they hate women and the poor
The cruel truth is that overturning Roe will hit poor women and girls the hardest.
— President Biden (@POTUS) June 25, 2022
Sadly, this is beyond the intellectual capabilities of republicans
If you’re against abortion, don’t get one.
— Ana Navarro-Cárdenas (@ananavarro) June 24, 2022
If you’re against contraception, don’t take any.
If you’re against same-sex relationships, don’t have one.
If you’re against same-sex marriage, don’t marry someone of same gender.
Do not impose your beliefs & religion on all Americans.
Exactly--if a woman wants one, she gets one
I really wish people would stop drastically using the scenarios of rape or incest as the sole premise for an abortion. A woman doesn’t have to be in a traumatic situation for it to be reason enough. In fact there is zero explanation that needs to be given.
— Jordyn Hodges🏜 (@jordyvotes) June 25, 2022
Susan Collins place in history as our nation's greatest dupe is now secure
Fool me once, shame on you.
— George Takei (@GeorgeTakei) June 25, 2022
Fool me twice, shame on me.
Fool me three times, who am I, Susan F-ing Collins?
Sunday, June 26, 2022
Friday Night Jukebox, Vol. CCCXC--Nick Drake: Pink Moon
It's definitely a war on women
When the penalty for aborting after rape is more severe than the penalty for rape, that's when you know it's a war on women
— Mohamad Safa (@mhdksafa) June 24, 2022
Republicans think the state owns women's bodies
I don’t think people realize that it is perfectly fine to be pro-life for your own body, but you can’t force that on someone else’s body. That is their decision.
— Maya (@__Maya98) June 24, 2022
Yes, we are
We are two elections away from Republicans banning abortion in California
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) June 24, 2022
Minority rule only lasts so long before all hell breaks loose
AOC: We are talking about a court with the majority of justices appointed by a party that has not won a popular presidential election more than once in 30 years ruling against the majority of Americans.
— Acyn (@Acyn) June 24, 2022
Saturday, June 25, 2022
Think about this the next time your subscription comes due
The fact that media organizations are instructing employees not to make public comments about the elimination of a fundamental constitutional right for 50% of the population tells you why the modern media is not capable of helping protect democracy from what is happening.
— Marc E. Elias (@marceelias) June 24, 2022
Yes, they are
— Chris Meloni (@Chris_Meloni) June 24, 2022
“Gay rights are next”
Fuck you, you gutless piece of shit
Pence calls for a national abortion ban
— Maggie Haberman (@maggieNYT) June 24, 2022
Ha, ha, ha, hee, hee, hee, guffaw, guffaw, guffaw
I really wish all the people who tried to launder the reputations of the conservative justices when they were up for confirmation, and gaslight us into thinking they respected precedent, would at least have the guts and the accountability to stand up today and say they were wrong
— Elie Mystal (@ElieNYC) June 24, 2022
Friday, June 24, 2022
Russian Ron betrays America again
So, Ron Johnson’s intern decided to commit sedition on his own and present a fake slate of electors for two states to the Vice President of the US in an attempt to subvert the will of the voters and install Trump to the presidency without his boss’s knowledge? That’s the story?
— Ron Filipkowski 🇺🇦 (@RonFilipkowski) June 22, 2022
NEW: Marjorie Taylor Greene just said that Republicans will leave Georgia in a mass exodus if Stacey Abrams wins the governor’s race this year. “They’ll move to Alabama, Tennessee, or Florida.”
— No Lie with Brian Tyler Cohen (@NoLieWithBTC) June 19, 2022
If you aren't a white, Trump loving Christian you're probably fucked
If Republicans are running on shooting each other, imagine their plans for us?
— Rachel Bitecofer 📈🔭🇺🇲🇺🇦 (@RachelBitecofer) June 20, 2022
A total failure in all aspects of life
Can we please all agree that this experiment of having a dumb TV host and shady real estate developer with no government knowledge, 6 bankruptcies, 5 kids from 3 wives, 68 charges of sexual assault, 7,300 lawsuits, and $1,000,000,000 in debt as president did not go well at all?
— Andrea Junker (@Strandjunker) June 21, 2022
Thursday, June 23, 2022
It'll be good for the cat food industry and casket makers, though
Democrats are fighting to preserve your Social Security and Medicare.
— Really American 🇺🇸 (@ReallyAmerican1) June 20, 2022
Republicans want to end them.
That's what's at stake in November.
That good enough for me
Cookie say watch Sesame Street...NOT Fox News!
— Cookie Monster (Parody) (@monster_manager) June 20, 2022
Hell is for cowards
exhausting, frightening, devastating session. No wonder rightwing media scared to death to show this to their audience. cowards.
— Jennifer 'I stand with Ukraine' Rubin 🇺🇦🇺🇦 (@JRubinBlogger) June 21, 2022
Trump first, America last
You know what was neither in Ashley Biden’s diary nor on Hunter Biden’s laptop? 15 boxes of classified and top secret documents. That shit was at Mar-A-Lago.
— Andrea Junker (@Strandjunker) June 18, 2022
Wednesday, June 22, 2022
What's scary is how true it is
The only surprise in the Texas GOP platform is that it doesn’t call for a reinstatement of slavery.
— Norman Ornstein (@NormOrnstein) June 20, 2022
God is dying?
Gallup reports that belief in God in America has fallen to its lowest level in 78 years of polling on the question.
— Victor Laszlo (@Impolitics) June 18, 2022
Clergy across the country were so concerned by these results that they took time out from worshipping Trump and sexually assaulting their parishioners to say so.
Translated: Fuck you, Donnie
Equal time means sitting your lying ass in a witness chair.
— Rep. Eric Swalwell (@RepSwalwell) June 16, 2022
We’ll wait.
God is secondary--it's always been about power
Seems kinda sus to call yourself a Christian then kiss the ass of the human embodiment of the 7 deadly sins for 6 years
— L S D (@LSDA4_) June 17, 2022
Tuesday, June 21, 2022
Friday Night Jukebox, Vol. CCCLXXXIX--Tony Bennett: I Wanna Be Around
Not surprising from a guy who got rich by defrauding Medicare
His analogy to describe dangerous people… is quite literally the thing that his own party is doing is his own state.
— Brian Tyler Cohen (@briantylercohen) June 17, 2022
Count on it
This weekend we’ll celebrate Juneteenth.
— Rep. Malcolm Kenyatta (@malcolmkenyatta) June 17, 2022
Next week Republicans will try to ban the books that tell you what Juneteenth is about.
Yet again, The New York Times completely embarrasses itself
Prosecutors face the challenge of proving he knew something that every one of his aides has testified they told him.
— Angry Staffer 🌻 (@Angry_Staffer) June 18, 2022
Personally, I've always found him nauseating
“You know what I liked about Trump? Everybody was afraid of him, including me.”
— The Recount (@therecount) June 17, 2022
— Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) at “Faith and Freedom Coalition” conference in Nashville, Tennessee
Monday, June 20, 2022
The President of the United States sent the Proud Boys to murder the Vice President of the United States and they were 40 feet away from doing it and frankly not enough people are reacting like this is sheer, fucking madness.
— Bryan Behar (@bryanbehar) June 17, 2022
How the hell is Clarence Thomas not a bigger news story?
Lead insurrectionist John Eastman clerked for Clarence Thomas
— Lindy Li (@lindyli) June 16, 2022
Lead insurrectionist Ginni Thomas is married to Clarence
Clarence was the ONLY Justice to vote to prevent Jan 6 investigators from accessing Trump docs
Clarence is corrupt beyond repair. Long past time for him to go
Their lack of courage could well cost us our Democracy
Reporters: If you're having trouble finding the balls to ask Republicans tough questions about their ongoing coup conspiracy, just pretend you're talking to Hillary Clinton about her private email server.
— Rachel Bitecofer 📈🔭🇺🇲🇺🇦 (@RachelBitecofer) June 15, 2022
And this is what the rest of America can look forward to if we keep voting republicans in office
— Sandy Medellin (@SandyMedellin15) June 15, 2022
It’s 100 degrees today in Odessa Texas and the city just told its 122,600 residents that they could be without water for the next 48 hours.
That’s what decades of voting in a Republican government will do for you.
Sunday, June 19, 2022
Evil ways
Putin has disappeared Russia’s leading opposition leader, Alexei Navalny.
— Tristan Snell (@TristanSnell) June 15, 2022
This is Stalin murdering Trotsky. This is political assassination by another name.
Why can’t we recognize evil when it’s in plain sight?
The choice is clear: Democracy or fascism
A message from Vice Chair @RepLizCheney about Thursday’s hearing.
— January 6th Committee (@January6thCmte) June 14, 2022
They'll just let their antisemitism flag fly, because to them Judaism isn't a religion
This is a really interesting case that would put pro-religious freedom justices in a tough spot if it made it to SCOTUS
— Ahmed Baba (@AhmedBaba_) June 15, 2022
Their warped "Christianity"
Lauren Boebert was a sex worker & had 2 abortions but pretends to be a pro-life Republican
— Lindy Li (@lindyli) June 15, 2022
Herschel Walker has a secret son but runs as a conservative family man
Trump is a serial sexual assaulter but evangelical Christians worship him
Hypocrisy is the hallmark of the GOP
Saturday, June 18, 2022
So much for republican populism
42 billionaires worth $275 billion are supporting Ron DeSantis campaign. Is it any surprise that since DeSantis became governor, Florida has given $5.7 billion from our tax dollars in corporate giveaways and that he campaigned against raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour?
— Thomas Kennedy (@tomaskenn) June 15, 2022
Never forget that cruelty is part of republicans' platform
The GOP has now made it clear on multiple occasions: if you vote for them, they will get rid of your Social Security and Medicare. Believe them.
— (@MeidasTouch) June 14, 2022
These are the words of a psychopath
"I would just have to say, if I had the opportunity to talk to the [parents of Uvalde victims] I'd have to say, look, there's always a plan. I believe God always has a plan. Life is short no matter what it is."
— Jacob Rubashkin (@JacobRubashkin) June 15, 2022
Following your own guiding light
1. Religious freedom means you can practice any religion you want, or none at all.
— Andrea Junker (@Strandjunker) June 14, 2022
2. Religious freedom doesn’t mean you can use your beliefs to dictate what others can and cannot do.
Your religion guides you, not all of us. It’s as simple as that.
Friday, June 17, 2022
"Falsehoods" is too kind, they're blatant lies
As Herschel Walker’s GOP profile rises, the falsehoods mount
— 🖕🏻Aunt Crabby Calls Bullshit 🖕🏻 (@DearAuntCrabby) June 14, 2022
The Supreme Court slides into fascism
Just me or is this slide into authoritarianism getting steeper?
— Beverly Batte (@BeverlyBatte) June 16, 2022
There's much truth in sarcasm
are you telling me the guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated contributors to his fake charity also cheated donors to his bogus election fund? get the fuck out of here
— Jeff Tiedrich (@itsJeffTiedrich) June 14, 2022
So much for the golden rule
If Christianity has you driving across the country to terrorize gay people
— Lindy Li (@lindyli) June 13, 2022
If Christianity has you punishing women and depriving them of their rights
If Christianity has you inciting violence and hating all who aren’t like you
Your religion isn’t faith. It’s hatred.
Thursday, June 16, 2022
To make it clear, republicans do not care about America or Americans
The reason you’re seeing so many Conservative Inc types squirm out “no one cares about this!” takes, is because everything you see and hear at these hearings is evidence of what Republicans and conservatives are willing to tolerate in the name of tribal politics.
— Sarah Longwell (@SarahLongwell25) June 10, 2022
It's price gouging, plain and simple
American oil output under Biden is HIGHER than under Trump — the highest ever. Pass it on.
— Tristan Snell (@TristanSnell) June 12, 2022
Stand (up) in the place where you live!
The reason they say you have to stand up to bullies is because you have to stand up to bullies. It's long past time decent Americans stood up to this radicalized & dangerous Republican Party.
— Rachel Bitecofer 📈🔭🇺🇲🇺🇦 (@RachelBitecofer) June 12, 2022
Short and sweet
BREAKING: The Republican Party
— Jon Cooper (@joncoopertweets) June 12, 2022
Wednesday, June 15, 2022
When reality bites
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Too late by the time they realize |
I'm skeptical, but it very well could save our democracy
Newsweek: Trump May Be Charged for Trying to Overthrow Election by End of the Month.
— 🖕🏻Aunt Crabby Calls Bullshit 🖕🏻 (@DearAuntCrabby) June 12, 2022
If there was a God, I'm sure he'd take Trump out first
.@laurenboebert, are you asking God to end President Biden's life?
— David Weissman (@davidmweissman) June 11, 2022
The time has come for Democrats to pack the Supreme Court
The Supreme Court does not rule our democracy; we do. As it spends this month declaring that our Constitution prevents us from protecting our bodily autonomy or our children’s safety, Congress must respond with better interpretations. With @DaphnaRenan:
— Niko Bowie (@nikobowie) June 8, 2022
Republicans are all for free speech until facts get in the way
My Truth Social account was just permanently suspended for talking about the January 6th Committee hearings.
— Travis Allen (@TravisAllen02) June 10, 2022
Tuesday, June 14, 2022
This adulation isn't new
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Charlatans U.S.A. |
And a republican
Reminder that inflation is high in EVERY advanced economy, not just in America. Blame Covid and Russia's invasion of Ukraine. It has nothing to do with Biden, and anyone who says otherwise is either ignorant or lying.
— Tristan Snell (@TristanSnell) June 11, 2022
Ginni and the pervert must go
Holy shit. Ginni Thomas pressed 29 Republican state lawmakers in Arizona — 27 more than previously known — to set aside Joe Biden’s popular vote victory and “choose” presidential electors, according to emails obtained by @washingtonpost.
— Brian Tyler Cohen (@briantylercohen) June 10, 2022
So as to save our country from fascism
— 🦋🦒Don’t Follow Me🦒🦋 (@AuntieTavia) June 10, 2022
Another traitor bites the dust
Jan 6th Traitor Turned Leading Michigan GOP Gov Candidate Arrested By FBI - Nothing to see here folks, really, the entire party isn't filled w criminals, traitors, sex pests and abusers ... #January6thCommitteeHearings
— Cliff Schecter (@cliffschecter) June 9, 2022
Monday, June 13, 2022
What Donald Trump hath wrought
Again, coming from Texas. This man was so bothered by an interracial couple out for a walk he couldn't keep it to himself.
— 🥀_Imposter_🕸️ (@Imposter_Edits) June 9, 2022
And we've only just begun
a devastating indictment, not just of Trump, but also of the Republican politicians and conservative media figures who continue trying to mislead Americans by covering up what they know to be true
— John Harwood (@JohnJHarwood) June 10, 2022
Nobody does white supremacy better!
Fox “News” is literally the 24/7 treason network hosted by white supremacists
— Andrew Wortman 🏳️🌈🇺🇦🇺🇸 (@AmoneyResists) June 11, 2022
Solidarity forever
We were "disgusting, twisted, perverted, sick."
— Izzy Kamikaze 🏳️🌈🏳️⚧️🦕🦖 (@IzzyKamikaze) June 10, 2022
We were "confused."
We were "dangerous."
We were "deluded."
We were unemployable & nobody would rent us a shitty bedsit unless we lied.
Every gay person my age was treated like trans people are now.
Solidarity! #Pride
Traitors say what?
Funny how the people who whine about Joe Biden’s son making consulting deals are in fact just trying to distract us from Fred Trump’s son trying to overthrow the American government.
— Tristan Snell (@TristanSnell) June 10, 2022