Sunday, January 23, 2022

And these are the people who want to run our schools

Dupes to the left of me, dupes to the right...

When not drinking their own pee to cure COVID-19, it seems the latest cause celebre for republicans is to rail about schools that are providing litter boxes in their bathrooms for the students who identify as cats. In fact, Michigan GOP Chair Meshawn Maddock went so far as to post on her Facebook page that republicans in Michigan will take back our schools and end such travesties.  

Needless to say, there is absolutely no truth to these republican claims (and Midland Parks school Superintendent Michael E. Sharrow, the leader of the school district where the nutjob who spoke before the Board of Education shared her beyond stupid allegation, had to waste his time refuting her idiocy), and while this one is pretty funny, it still shows the depths to which the right wing in this country has sunk.

The republican crazy train has come completely off the rails, and stories like this are only going to become more commonplace.  These people are crazier than a shithouse rat, and we need to do everything in our power to ensure that they never control our government again.


Republican = Racist


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