Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Crock and roll music

Roll over Chuck Berry, tell T. Rex the news

Some conservative idiot (I won't reference anyone--or the organization he works for--that is so incredibly stupid) said this week that Barack Obama destroyed rock and roll, as if a) anyone could destroy it, and b) rock and roll is an art form that is a mainstay of conservatism.

The stupid, it burns.

Every rock and roll record burning or breaking event that ever occurred was ran by a conservative.  Every person whoever said rock and roll was the music of Satan was a conservative.  Every person who lost their shit when John Lennon said the Beatles were bigger than Jesus was a conservative.  Every person who advocated for parental warnings on rock and roll recordings was a conservative.  And the creme de la creme?  African-Americans, 90% of whom vote against conservatism's political party, from Robert Johnson to Muddy Waters to Chuck Berry to Little Richard, were the progenitors of rock and roll--whining about the fate of rock and roll when you have spent your whole lives fervently wishing its founders were back on the plantation is just a tad disingenuous, don't you think?

Rock and roll is and always has been the antithesis of conservatism.  It's anti-racism, anti-corporatism, and anti-violence.  It celebrates peace and love and people living in harmony.  It doesn't celebrate hate.  It embraces the truth because the truth sets us free.  It celebrates inclusivity, living in a world where your race or your sex or your sexuality is a badge of honor.  It has fought against AIDS, Apartheid, war, and hunger.  It's fought for women's rights, gay rights, and for the environment.  It's about people power and its songs celebrate the common man not whiny ass rich people.  Does anything in this paragraph sound remotely like it's part of the conservative agenda?

Not even in an alternate universe.

Just because some lame-ass, second-rate guitarist like Ted Nugent occasionally plays loud music at one of Trump's rallies for losers doesn't mean that you have the slightest claim to rock and roll.

So do us all a favor and shut the fuck up about how Obama destroyed rock and roll, and crawl back into that hole you slunk out of in Idiotville.  And while you're there, remember you can't always get what you want, but if you try sometimes, well, you just might find you get what you deserve:  nothing.

The Republican Party Is Now a Fascist Cult Just Like Nazi Germany


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