Saturday, May 15, 2021

They're creepy and they're kooky

The best place for republicans--mental institutions

 There's a part of me that wanted Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, after she was accosted by Marjorie Taylor Greene this week, to ask Greene why she loved Hitler so much.  Or why Nazism was her political party of choice.  Or why racism seemed to be her best calling card.  Something, anything to show that we fight back.

Fortunately for all of us, Ocasio Cortez is a lot smarter than me.  Rather than get in a name calling contest, the result of which would have been more bothsiderism from the Beltway media, Ocasio Cortez initially said that as a former bartender (working class roots!) she threw people like Greene (just another drunk!) out of bars all the time.  Later, Ocasio Cortez questioned the mental health of Greene, because in the real world, stalking a congresswoman in the halls of Congress is a sign that maybe the Trumpmobile has a flat tire.

One has to wonder, as we watch one time right wing idol Matt Gaetz implode in epic fashion, how long it will be before Marjorie Taylor Greene has her own swim through the sewage pipes.  As nice as it would be to tell these right wing nutjobs to go fuck themselves, it's probably best that we let them be their own worst enemies.  The members of the GQP who are showing us exactly who they are has to be eye opening to the sixty percent of Americans who aren't all that interested in riding the fascist train to nowhere.

That way, come election time that sixty percent can cast their votes confidently for candidates who are actually interested in governing, like Democrats, and not those who are more interested in being celebrities and sucking all the donations they can from fools who can't afford it.

Like republicans.

It's Not Just an Infrastructure Bill, It's a Jobs Plan, Too


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