Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Another fact of the day

One of these is not like the other...

 A new study shows that if the minimum wage had kept pace with the rise in Wall Street bonuses since 1985, the minimum wage would now be $44 an hour.

Which leaves Americans working at minimum wage jobs about $37 short of where they should be--there isn't a CEO anywhere in America that didn't have the help of many, many dedicated workers, and those workers should be paid commensurate with the help they gave their upper echelon bosses.

And I'd really like all the assholes in Congress refusing to raise the minimum wage from the $7.25 rate that was last raised in 2009 to explain why it is that American businesses can afford exorbitant bonuses for executives but not $15 an hour for the folks who actually do the goddamn work.

My guess is it would just be some mealymouthed elitism about the pressures and demands of being an executive, as if keeping the engines of America running like so many of us do is like tossing a frisbee back and forth.

And heaven forbid that women and people of color might actually have a chance to live a comfortable life.

It's Not Just an Infrastructure Bill, It's a Jobs Plan, Too


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