Thursday, January 30, 2020

R.I.P. GOP, 1854-2020

Someone cue "Taps"...
 I'm obviously not the best prognosticator (once again, Sarah Palin, republican nominee for President, 2012), but I find it hard to believe that the republican party will survive in any semblance of its current iteration following its conduct under Donald Trump.  While Mitch McConnell coordinating with the White House to conduct a sham trial, Rand Paul doing his damnedest to out the whistleblower, the Trump defense team making a mockery of the U.S. Constitution, or John Roberts once again pretending to be an impartial juror instead of the GOP lackey that he truly is may play well with the 40% of Americans who will welcome fascism as long as it keeps old white men in power, the other 60% of the country wants absolutely no part of it.

And even if they do manage to turn us into Brazil, or Poland, or Turkey, or the Philippines, or even North Korea, it's only a matter of time before the bombs start bursting and the guillotines begin dropping.

You can't spent 200 years teaching a people how important and unique its freedoms are and then take them away without having a whole hell of a lot of hurt inflicted on those doing the taking.

Fuck Donald Trump,

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