Friday, November 16, 2018

National Fucked Up League

Two men who show us every day what courage really means

While most folks are familiar with Colin Kaepernick, not nearly as many are familiar with Eric Reid.  Reid was Kaepernick's teammate on the San Francisco 49ers, and was among the first to join him in taking a knee to protest police brutality and systemic oppression of African-Americans in the United States.  After his contract with the 49ers ran out after last season, Reid was unable to secure another until reaching agreement with the Carolina Panthers four games into this season.  Rather than take the easy route and temper his protest, Reid has continued to take a knee and speak out quite eloquently about inequality in America.

For his troubles, Reid has found himself drug tested five times in the six weeks he's been back in the NFL--note that the drug tests in the NFL are random, and the odds of any player being tested five times in six weeks is less than 1/2 percent.  Can you say "harassment" boys and girls?

It's too bad ESPN has become the TMZ of sports journalism because this seems like quite a coincidence to me.

Anyway, the next time you see the NFL and their television network cohorts doing one of their support the troops spectacles, remember that the only troops they truly care about are the white ones.

Fuck Donald Trump,

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