Thursday, September 27, 2018

Winnin' with Democratic women

Sisters are doing it for the Democratic Party

With the utter shit show the Brett Kavanaugh confirmation process has become for republicans (especially for Iowa Senator  Shitheel Chuck Grassley--he can forget the Aw, Shucks, I'm Just Like Your Grandpa routine, as he's now officially a Misogynistic Sexual Assault Enabler), it's not all that surprising that a poll from the L.A. Times shows Democrats with a 62% to 34% advantage among women for the upcoming midterm elections.

There might be enough white Americans for republicans to overcome losing 90% of the African-American vote and 75% of the Latino vote regularly, but there aren't nearly enough white American men for republicans to survive losing over 60% of women.  While I'm sure the republican party will survive in some form, they are pretty much on their way to joining the Whigs in the ash heap of American history.

And the sooner the better--any party choosing a pig like Brett Kavanaugh to be the hill they die on isn't interested in making America great any time soon.

Fuck Donald Trump,

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