Wednesday, July 5, 2017

They're not fucking entitlements

Poor's always been gettin' fucked over by the rich...

Of the myriad of things the Democratic Party needs to do better, one is countering the idea oft repeated by republicans and the media (who should really know better) that somehow Social Security and Medicare are "entitlements."

Nothing could be further from the truth.

Every job you have ever had--from flipping burgers at McDonald's, to selling jeans to the cool kids at The Gap, to Assistant Manager of Sweat Socks at Foot Locker, to Klothing Account Rep at Kmart, to junior partner at Doodad, Doohickey, and Doowop, to U.S. Senator from the great state of Michigan--you have paid a percentage (6.2% of gross wages for Social Security, 1.45% for Medicare) of every penny you have ever made into Social Security and Medicare (also known as the Federal Insurance Contributions Act or FICA).  Neither of which you can partake of until you're in your sixties.

So how exactly is paying into two systems for better than forty fucking years so you can retire and have healthcare late in life make them entitlements?

They are called entitlements because a) the companies you work for over the course of your career have to match the percentage you pay and aren't happy enough that their cost cutting has you doing the work of three people for the pay of one, but would also like you starve in your old age and die quickly because you don't have healthcare, so they can make their already rich shareholders even richer,  b) rich people don't need them, and don't want to pay into them so they can have even more money in their Cayman Islands' accounts, and would also like you to starve in your old age and die quickly because you don't have healthcare, and c) Wall Street and big banks would much prefer that you invest in the stock market for your retirement plans so they can steal even more of your money than they already have.

In the end, they're called entitlements because the economic powers that be want to fuck you coming and fuck you going.

And there endeth the lesson.

Fuck Donald Trump,

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