Saturday, June 17, 2017

Just keep looking for that black cat

There is no there, there

Not content with decrying the end of civilization as we know it because Democrats are vowing to pass a $15 minimum wage should they win control of the House again in 2018, conservative pinheads America Rising are preparing to spend upwards of $10 million dollars to defeat Elizabeth Warren in her 2018 re-election campaign for the U.S. Senate, as well as hampering her chances at winning the Presidency in 2020.

My word, what an excellent campaign tactic!

First off, Elizabeth Warren is a very popular Senator in a very blue state--the odds of her losing in 2018 are slim and none.  And even if they manage to cut a point or two off her victory margin, it's still going to be a colossal ass kicking for the republican candidate.  And no one will give a shit, regardless.  Second, near as I can tell, Sen. Warren has not shown any more interest in running for President in 2020 than she did in 2016.

So if republicans want to flush $10 million dollars down the toilet for a losing and pointless proposition, by all means, please do so.  And while they're at it, here's hoping they drop $10 million on FDR, Harry Truman, JFK, and LBJ--and any other Democratic boogieman who won't be running to obliterate Donald Trump in 2020.

Fuck Donald Trump,

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