Tuesday, September 20, 2016

A lioness and a loser

There seems to be some concern that since Donald Trump isn't preparing for his upcoming debates with Hillary Clinton that his strategy is simply to try to embarrass or shock Secy. Clinton and somehow this will make enough Americans believe he's the shit and give him enough votes to make him the next President.


Hillary Clinton once stood before all Americans--hell, all the world--after her husband, the most powerful man in the world and the President of the United States, had to admit to that he'd regally fucked up and had a sexual relationship with one of his interns, in the White House, no less.  It was a horrific moment for anyone, let alone the First Lady, and Secy. Clinton handled it with as much grace and class as a human being possibly could in such a circumstance.

Pretty goddamned certain that there is nothing--nothing--that Donald Trump is going to say or do during this year's debates that Hillary Clinton won't shrug off with all the ennui of a lioness swatting a fly off her ass with her tail.


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