Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Nothing to see here

The first headline I saw on AOL this morning was how Elizabeth Warren had been heckled by the "audience" during her speech last night.  As someone who actually watched her speech (delightful, by the way), I can tell you that the "audience" was a single person, one guy, yelling "Black Lives Matter" again and again.  Good for him--he's allowed and should voice his opinion.  However, to insinuate that somehow Warren was a target of sinister Democratic forces is utter bullshit.

If I had to guess, the piece on AOL was probably written by some corporate toadie.

I had the privilege, thanks to our cable service, of watching the DNC completely devoid of pundits--it's just the stage and shots of the audience.  Let me tell you, all the talk of a divided Democratic Party and disarray on the convention floor is just so much crapola.  The Democrats were energetic, excited, and about as united as I've ever seen us.  Michelle Obama, Cory Booker, and Bernie Sanders made outstanding speeches in support of Hillary Clinton.  It was a terrific first night.

Ignore the hype.  The corporate media is more than happy to put profits over people's lives--the Democratic Party is not.


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