Sunday, June 19, 2016

Whoa, thought it was a nightmare...

...turns out it was real and it was the republicans never ending War on Workers.

Did you know that since 2003 thirty states with republican controlled legislatures have passed laws that significantly weakened your ability to collect Workers' Compensation for injuries sustained from work?  And that all of it just takes the financial responsibility away from corporations and puts it on the back of American taxpayers?  Never mind that the corporations are at fault--we have to foot the bill for their ineptitude.

Did you also know that in 2014 almost 4700 Americans died in work related accidents?  And that the republican party will stop at absolutely nothing to ensure that workers' families get nothing from corporate incompetence?  Republicans have cut funding for OSHA to the bone and the wives and children of dead workers are paying the price.  You know who isn't paying a price for killing its workers?  Corporations.

These are just two more in a long line of reasons that Democrats should be fighting for candidates from school boards to the Presidency this fall--it's not enough for republicans that we're underpaid and overworked, they also want corporations to be able to maim and kill us with impunity.


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