Thursday, November 19, 2015

Holy Shit!


In honor of today being World Toilet Day (it's done to call out to the world that over two billion of us do not have sanitary bathrooms) Think Progress ran a piece today highlighting three ways that human poop is being reused.  First, we now have a machine that boils poop and then extracts and cleans the water for human use (Bill Gates drank a glass full and said it was yummy, though I have to admit I have my doubts).  Second, microbial bugs are being used to extract methane from poop which is in turn being used to generate electrical power (Washington, D.C. and Birmingham, England are already using "poop power").  Third (and probably most sensibly), almost half the poop in the U.S. is now being turned into fertilizer for our crops and soil.

You know, for all the doom and gloom we hear about the future of the planet and of mankind, you have to feel a bit better about us when you hear about such human ingenuity.  And I mean this in all sincerity:  if we can find uses for our own poop, there is hope for us yet.


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