Friday, December 20, 2013

1.3 million

That's the number of Americans whose unemployment benefits are set to end a week from tomorrow, because Congress failed to grant them an unemployment benefit extension.

While Democrats can be faulted for valuing a budget deal more than the needs of the unemployed (remember that unemployment is still at 7%, with a UE over 13%--and that there are three job seekers for every job opening), Senate Dems have at least invoked cloture setting up a vote for a retroactive extension for early January (House Dems never had a chance--working half the month proved too much for House republicans and they left town long ago).

Let's face it--this is a big part of the republican agenda to continuously fuck over those in need.  And Democrats need to make republicans own the failure to extend the unemployment benefits.

There's a great scene in It's a Wonderful Life where George Bailey's guardian angel Clarence asks him how he can help.  Bailey asks if he happens to have the $8000 he needs, and Clarence responds that they don't need money in heaven.  To which Bailey replies, "Well, it comes in pretty handy down here, Bub."

It's high time republicans were knocked off their lofty perches and had the common wants and common cares of the working folks of America shoved in their faces.  If nothing else, it will show many Americans it's actually the Democrats, for all their faults, who have their backs.

And that when American families are hurting financially, the money received from unemployment compensation comes in pretty handy.


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