Monday, June 17, 2013

2016 on their minds

Even though we haven't even gotten to the 2014 midterm elections, there is already much teeth gnashing over the prospects of Hillary Clinton being our party's standard bearer in the next Presidential election (check out this piece, especially the comments).  While I could think of ten people in less than ten seconds I'd rather have than Secretary Clinton as our nominee, there are a couple of points we should think long and hard about before we write her off as Obama Lite for our goals:

1)  An anti-Obama candidate could possibly be a good candidate...but my biggest worry would be we'll get behind some policy wonk who thinks that whining about drone strikes and NSA spying is going to get us another four years in the White House.  Anybody who thinks the American people as a whole give two shits about either isn't nearly as bright as they think they are.  I'm not entirely certain that having Bill Clinton whispering in her ear "It's the economy, stupid" would be such a bad thing for our chances.
2)  The anti-Hillary faction needs to take a cold, hard look at Michigan, Ohio, Florida, Pennsylvania, and North Carolina to see what an unfettered republican party would look like on a national level.  It's entirely possible that we could find a candidate that gives us as good of a chance at victory as Mrs. Clinton, but we better be damn good and certain he or she will--because those states have spent the last three years ramming through their agenda despite not having majority opinion on their side.  I live in Michigan and I'd love to have had a moderate Democrat to veto the policies Michigan's republican legislature has shoved down our throats.  It's going to take light years to reverse them.

There's nothing I'd love more than to watch President Warren take the oath of office in January of 2017, but only if it's going to prevent President Cruz or President Rubio from doing the same.  I'm voting for whoever gives us the best chance of winning, period.

I've seen the ghost of America's future under republican leadership here in Michigan, and it ain't a pretty sight.


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