Saturday, August 21, 2010

Quick Hits

A couple of pieces that caught my eye... I'm beginning to sound like a broken record, but short of starting, I've got nothing else I can do to refute an idiot who writes a weekly column but bitch every week about said column (besides, I think it's keeping me sane). Another brilliant moment for Finley this week--it seems, because Virg Bernero is so far down in the polls (no surprise) in the Michgan Governor's race that unforunately, the matchup will not be about ideas but about nastiness. And Finley, ever the idiot, seems to think this is a a political trait endemic to only Democrats. Jesus, what a numb nuts. Apparently, DeVos lost to Granholm in 2006 because of the nasty jobs to China meme the Granholm campaign took. Setting aside the fact that it was true, DeVos' loss had nothing to do with the fact that he ran a horrid campaign, was tied to G. W. Bush like an anchor to a ship, had zero in the way of ideas, and the charisma of a mudpie. Finley also seems to forget the Republicans with their Swift Boat attacks, Willie Horton ads, Rev. Wright crap--he has an awful selective memory or is just an out and out liar. No, the real reason there will be no discussion of ideas in this campaign is that the Republicans have none. It will be the usual bullshit: cut taxes, fellate the wealthy and give them even more at the expense of the poor and the middle class, fellate corporations and give them even more at the expense of us poor saps who actually do the work, and then watch the great state of Michigan sink even further into the abyss. Golly--can't fucking wait. The second piece, by one James Krause, is one of those pieces that I really wonder what the fuck the editor who approved the piece was thinking. I'm not really sure if said editor wants to make certain the Free Press keeps its monthly quota of idiot columns, or if he thinks it's some kind of humorous satire (I've read plenty of satire and humor in my fifty-one years on this planet, and Mr. Krause's piece has nary a scintilla of either). In a nutshell, Mr. Krause is bemoaning how horribly businesses are treated here in Michigan--never mind the fact that 85% of us are employed and that I pass opulent house after opulent house on a daily basis. Apparently, Mr. Krause is peeved because he can only afford the one Lexus instead of the two he wants (meanwhile, his employees are happy to purchase a car--new or used--once every seven or eight years), and wouldn't life be so much better if he had the two? Give me a fucking break. These people always claim to care so much about Michigan and her citizens, but there's exactly one citizen Mr. Krause cares about: Mr. Krause. Three words: Fuck Mr. Krause. Perhaps he's just not a very good businessman--plenty of other businessman seem to be doing remarkably well. Perhaps he's your typical Republican who is only good at whining about it rather than trying to fix it. My guess is he's just too ignorant to see that the lies he's been fed about upward mobility in America are just that: lies to keep dimwits such as himself fellating the wealthy and businesses at his own expense. His closing is all one really needs to see. After bitching for several hundred words about the unfairness of it all, he shows his true colors: "On second thought, no need to ask; I'll show myself out (i.e., leave Michigan for greener pastures)." What a courageous move that would be--just give up and go somewhere else where he might get his way. You know what, Mr. Krause? Adi-fucking-os. Don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out of Michigan--we'll be much better off without the likes of someone like you. Peace, emaycee

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