Friday, June 30, 2023
Funny, the GOP is full of mediocre white dudes
Without #AffirmativeAction how will mediocre white dudes pass off their failures on women and minorities?
— Rachel Bitecofer 📈🔭🇺🇲🇺🇦 (@RachelBitecofer) June 29, 2023
For fuck's sake, this is a fucking GOVERNOR
Gov. Henry McMaster (R-SC)
— James Aymann (@AymannJames) June 26, 2023
“I look forward to the day that Democrats are so rare, we have to hunt them with dogs.”
Chairwoman Christale Spain (D-SC)
“The majority of the Democratic electorate in South Carolina are Black and our governor is saying out loud he can’t wait to hunt…
Also: Trump is really stupid
Dude is on tape:
— Andrea R MD (@AndreaR9Md) June 27, 2023
Telling the Russians why he fired Comey
Trying to extort Zelenskyy for dirt on Biden
Talking about how he downplayed the pandemic
Pressuring the Gov and SoS of GA to overturn the election
Giving away classified info
What more do you need?
Rolling Meadows
Two-tiered Justice:
— 〠Billy D Starchild (@BillyDStarchild) June 26, 2023
12 ppl in NC were arrested after voting while on probation, believing they were eligible to vote. Indicted, some took a plea deal.
Mark Meadows and wife lied on forms, illegally voted in NC. Not arrested.
He went on to try to disqualify 11,780 votes in GA.
Thursday, June 29, 2023
It's always on liberal's shoulders to save America--so we'll do it again
We, the paranoid and bad-faith actors of the organized right, have done everything we can to whip as many Americans as possible into a variety of panics, and now it’s on you, libs, to figure out how to talk them down.
— Brian Beutler (@brianbeutler) June 24, 2023
For far too many, a sense of self-awareness is sorely lacking
In the last 24 hours, we have Lance Armstrong lecturing people about sports fairness, Meghan McCain lecturing people about nepotism, GOP lecturing people about law and order, white evangelical leaders praising/worshiping Trump…we live in a world where many lack mirrors.
— Matthew Dowd (@matthewjdowd) June 25, 2023
We need to know EVERYONE Trump showed the documents to
CNN has the audio of Trump showing the documents to the Pence writers.
— digby (@digby56) June 27, 2023
It's worse than we thought.
"This was done by the military and given to me."
The reactions from the staffer and the writers makes it clear that he was showing them something shocking.
GOP heroes: Hitler, Mao, Stalin
In case you think @Moms4Liberty quoted Hitler by mistake, here’s Ryan Helfenbein @ the Faith & Freedom Coalition Gala: “If you don't control education, you can’t control the future. Stalin knew that. Mao knew it. Hitler knew it. We have to get that back for conservative values.”
— Andrew Wortman 🟧 (@AmoneyResists) June 25, 2023
Wednesday, June 28, 2023
Because Biden has balls
Putin was never in hiding during the Trump Administration. That's the tweet. 🤷
— Chris D. Jackson (@ChrisDJackson) June 24, 2023
The stupid from GOP candidates knows no bounds
Very serious, well thought out counter-drug proposals from DeSantis here.
— Brian Finucane (@BCFinucane) June 26, 2023
Invade Mexico.
Blockade Mexican ports.
These measures will definitely stop the fentanyl epidemic and I can't imagine any possible downsides.
Putin's stooge
We will never forget who owns you, you traitorous sack of s**t.
— Marlene Robertson (@marlene4719) June 24, 2023
They're literally psychopaths
I think about billionaires a lot (kinda my job?) so let me say this:
— Mo Weeks (@mo87mo87) June 24, 2023
Most every billionaire on the planet would happily kill you for an extra few points on their investment. This isn't theoretical, it literally happens. They literally make decisions they know will kill people.
Tuesday, June 27, 2023
The GOP is Putin's party
If you’re rooting for Putin you’re what’s wrong in America.
— Chris Hahn (@ChristopherHahn) June 24, 2023
Pay to play
Shady and corrupt is the new Supreme Court slogan.
— John Oberlin (@OMGno2trump) June 25, 2023
The GOP vision: Back to the dark ages!
Life is generally easy for most children who don't have bills to pay.
— Rebekah Jones (@GeoRebekah) June 24, 2023
But some of us grew up hungry, homeless and unable to see a doctor when we were sick. Some of us grew up scared.
YOUR party wants to take everyone back to my childhood.
And we're not going to let you.
I do not like that at all
Never forget which political party in America is hell-bent on taking away women’s rights … if you don’t think elections matter, ask yourself if you’re ok with MAGA Republicans deciding what kind of medical care you are allowed to receive.
— Eric Swalwell (@ericswalwell) June 23, 2023
Monday, June 26, 2023
The right to live your life
As we close in on a year since was Roe was overturned, please remember: Every abortion denied is a tragedy.
— Jessica Valenti (@JessicaValenti) June 23, 2023
You don’t have to go into sepsis to be forever harmed by an abortion ban. You don’t need to be raped to have control of your body stolen from you.
That's the sound of snowflakes
The GOP’s lies are NOT random.
— Rep. Steven Woodrow (@WoodrowForCO) June 23, 2023
They are all designed to help Rs avoid accountability and blame. They use denialism, whataboutism, false equivalency, conspiracy theories, projection & perpetual victimhood—all to mask their culpability.
It’s high time the rest of us caught on.
A succinct--and correct--evaluation of the GOP
The radicalization of tens of millions Americans into theocratic fascist ideology is not “organic” — nor is it “politics.”
— Jim Stewartson, Anti-disinfo activist 🇺🇸🇺🇦💙 (@jimstewartson) June 23, 2023
They are casualties of full-scale psychological warfare conducted by American traitors in conjunction with enemy foreign nation-states. 🧵
Russian apologists are pathetic
Acting in good faith as they butchered civilians?
— Abigail Spanberger (@SpanbergerVA07) June 23, 2023
Acting in good faith as they kidnapped children?
Acting in good faith as they raped children in front of their parents? 1/
Sunday, June 25, 2023
Friday Night Jukebox, CDXLII--Hall and Oates: Everytime You Go Away
DEMOCRATS do big things!
I-95 is reopened.
— Governor Josh Shapiro (@GovernorShapiro) June 23, 2023
Over the past 12 days, the eyes of the country have been on Pennsylvania.
We showed them what our grit and determination can accomplish, and we showed them good government in action.
This serves as an example to everyone: Pennsylvania can do big things.
Fight fire with fire--red states are shitholes
The Trump people are pointing out that Florida cities are equally problematic. But the Democrats won't do that.
— digby (@digby56) June 23, 2023
Is it wise to allow these Red state miscreants to continue to insult those of us who live in Blue states when they live in these glass houses?
I'm tired of it.
Disgraceful--they died to fighting to keep people enslaved
NEW: Mississippi Sen. Kathy Chism is calling for the state to bring back its old Confederate-themed state flag.
— Ashton Pittman 🏳️🌈 (@ashtonpittman) June 23, 2023
"A lot of our people fought and died under that flag," the Union County Republican said at a political rally.
An amoral and traitorous cult
Today’s Republican party is not anything close to what passes for a normal or traditional political party. It is an amoral and traitorous cult. And those who know these actions and inactions are utterly wrong are too cowardly to do anything about it, except go along.
— Norman Ornstein (@NormOrnstein) June 22, 2023
Saturday, June 24, 2023
Speaking of two tiers of justice...
Hunter Biden bought a handgun illegally. Republicans want him to go to prison.
— Dr. David A. Lustig (@drdave1999) June 21, 2023
Kyle Rittenhouse took an assault rifle— illegally, as a minor— crossed state lines, and murdered two people. Republicans want to make him their Party mascot.
I think I see a pattern here.
Let's let a nation turn its disgusted eyes to the Trump family corruption
The moldy old Hunter hype fizzles. Shall we turn our eyes to the Trump Family mega deal in the Middle East that's unfolding before our eyes as Trump runs for president while under indictment for stealing national security secrets?
— digby (@digby56) June 21, 2023
The gift that just keeps on giving--Thanks GOP!
Because of – abortion rights – gun violence – climate change – no future with Republicans – we can expect to see young voters turn out in record numbers – and vote Democrat in 2024! – Thanks
— James Aymann (@AymannJames) June 21, 2023
Reason #8267 to NEVER trust cops
KENTUCKY: “2 purported KKK members allegedly terrorized a pro-LGBTQ rally in Kentucky, one pulled a handgun on protesters — police did not arrest them... Corbin PD posted it referred the incident to the FBI. As of Thursday, the post was deleted.”
— The Tennessee Holler (@TheTNHoller) June 21, 2023
Friday, June 23, 2023
The Wall Street Journal: The Fox News of newspapers
The Wall Street Journal editorial board has long seemed to have a source inside the Supreme Court. Unrelatedly, Sam Alito knew exactly who would publish his angry screed prebutting a ProPublica story that hasn’t even run yet.
— Brian Beutler (@brianbeutler) June 21, 2023
Journalism is COMPLETELY broken in America
In today's edition of Journalism is Broken, we bring you Axios
— Josh Marshall (@joshtpm) June 21, 2023
And they're price gouging us, to boot
1/ Being a CPA I have to occasionally remind people that corporations received a 40% PERMANENT tax cut under Trump. Forty effing percent! I can't believe we're not in the streets with torches and pitchforks over this. Why is this not a major issue? I don't get it.
— Gary Andover (@andover_gary) June 19, 2023
Billionaires: America's shit stains
Billionaires support Robert F. Kennedy Jr to undermine Biden
— Lindy Li (@lindyli) June 18, 2023
They support Trump to avoid paying taxes
They support Manchin and the GOP to prevent regulations
They support the Federalist Society to hijack the Supreme Court
America is a fully owned subsidiary of billionaires
Thursday, June 22, 2023
Getting formally censured by this crop of House Republicans is probably the highest honor for being a leader of character and moral clarity. Take a bow, Adam Schiff.
— Charlotte Clymer 🇺🇦 (@cmclymer) June 21, 2023
GOP Justices for sale
Alito's excuse here (the private jet seat would have gone unused otherwise) is for the ages. But you start to see the bigger picture which is that Leonard Leo basically pairs each new Justice w a billionaire sponsor family when they arrive.
— Josh Marshall (@joshtpm) June 21, 2023
No shit the GOP loves RFK, Jr.--he's a complete fucking idiot
RFK Jr. pushed a conspiracy theory that “the quarantine” was used as cover to install 5G cell phone networks and claimed digital currency “is the beginning of slavery.”
— PatriotTakes 🇺🇸 (@patriottakes) June 19, 2023
So many assholes, so little time
Very cool to watch all these millionaires and billionaires push an anti-vax line that has killed tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of working people.
— Chris Hayes (@chrislhayes) June 18, 2023
Wednesday, June 21, 2023
The GOP: America's true welfare queens
This fact makes GOP heads explode: Every single Trump state, including FL & TX, is a welfare state subsidized by taxpayers in blue states. Every red state receives more federal $ than they contribute. Every one. All of them. Rely on majority Dem taxpayers for their state spending
— Jeff Timmer (@jefftimmer) June 17, 2023
Stupidest fucking tweet ever
Looking objectively at the Dem field, @RobertKennedyJr is a MUCH better general election candidate than Biden.#RFKJr has high net favorables, independent and cross-party appeal, and would trounce any Republican.
— Peter Daou (@peterdaou) June 17, 2023
The establishment claim that Biden is more electable is absurd.
Still turning a blind eye to their perversion
Uhm.... sure. Let's all listen to the institution that actually did turn a blind eye to pedophilia and sexual abuse for centuries. They have a lot to tell us about morality.
— digby (@digby56) June 17, 2023
Trump makes the village idiot look like Einstein
How do so many people still think Trump is a genius? And I wish I were talking about GOP. The number of Democrats who think Trump is like Nixon with a carefully compiled dossier on everyone is wild. Trump is the laziest person in America. Stop crediting him with intellect.
— Victoria Brownworth (@VABVOX) June 15, 2023
Tuesday, June 20, 2023
Manna for thought
Why is it so hard for people to understand that the Bible is simply a BOOK written by MEN, and revised over and over again by MEN, thousands of years ago? It's just a BOOK. It doesn't matter what it says. It doesn't matter how it's interpreted. It's just a fucking BOOK.
— Michelle (@Michell33650674) June 17, 2023
The GOP: no moral backbone
New: Asa Hutchinson has asked the RNC to amend its loyalty pledge so candidates won’t have to promise to potentially support a convicted felon. In a call today, RNC officials said absolutely not.
— Natalie Allison (@natalie_allison) June 15, 2023
Could the GOP possibly give a shit less about the American people?
Gov. Greg Abbott signed a bill that will nullify local laws mandating water breaks for construction workers — despite Texas being first in work-related heat exposure deaths. Unions expect the number of deaths to go up if mandated water breaks go away.
— Texas Tribune (@TexasTribune) June 17, 2023
Trump's fucked up Presidency has not been acknowledged nearly enough
It's not the Trump prosecution that makes the United States look like a banana republic. It was the Trump presidency that made the United States look like a banana republic.
— David Frum (@davidfrum) June 11, 2023
Monday, June 19, 2023
Friday Night Jukebox, Vol. CDXLI--Cracker: Low
The scope of GOP stupidity is mind boggling
republicans say there are tapes of President Biden doing something bad. They don’t know where they are, but trust them, they’re a thing. Oh & they have whistleblowers. They don’t know where they are & some of them supposedly died, but trust them, they’re a thing. Sounds legit! 😂
— 😱 Scary Larry 😱 🇺🇦✊🏻🇺🇸🗽 (@aintscarylarry) June 15, 2023
It's never too early to start taking out the rich
Every Western democracy and everyone here on Twitter needs to see this tweet, and consider what it means, who Elon has become.
— Simon Rosenberg (@SimonWDC) June 14, 2023
This is no own-the-libs shit. It's a direct call for the ending of American democracy by force, a violent coup against a sitting American President.
If it weren't for bad news, they'd have no news at all
I'm so sick of this BS. MSNBC just promoted its next segment like this:
— digby (@digby56) June 14, 2023
Gas prices are down. Egg prices are down. But are household bills down as well?
What do you suppose the casual viewer takes away from that?
The twilight zone
A former President of the US now faces a total of 71 felony counts (and counting) and courts are bracing for violence based on his track record. Worth noting these surreal but undeniable facts.
— Andrew Weissmann 🌻 (@AWeissmann_) June 13, 2023
Sunday, June 18, 2023
Grift away
reminder as Republicans push specious allegations against Joe Biden that Trump *literally had a corruption center down the street from the White House* under the guise of a hotel and they were completely unbothered
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) June 14, 2023
Textbook fascism
Right now, conservatives are hell-bent on accomplishing two things: they want to deny you the knowledge that there are any other ways to live beyond the ones they demand; and they want to forbid the knowledge of the atrocities committed by their ideological forebears.
— 🕷Dante Atkins🕷 (@DanteAtkins) June 14, 2023
It's really this simple
Trump didn't get charged with illegal possession over the 197 docs he gave back to the archives when asked. That matches up with how Biden, Pence, etc. were treated. Give back voluntarily = no rap.
— Walter Olson (@walterolson) June 13, 2023
Trump is facing charges because he chose to lie to the feds and hide documents.
Stupidity is not the way forward
Walensky: I’d be happy to have our staff educate your staff
— Acyn (@Acyn) June 13, 2023
Greene: I don’t want my staff educated…
Saturday, June 17, 2023
Sycophants sinking to a new low
It's come to this...
— digby (@digby56) June 13, 2023
Only the GOP could think that starving children is a good campaign issue
Part of the Republican platform for 2024 is to ban all free meals for students.
— Southern Sister Resister - Wordsmith #IAmTheStorm (@ResisterSis20) June 15, 2023
Pro-Life policy is not only forced birth for little girls, but hunger for all our kids.
That is the Republican Way!#FreshStrong#VoteBlue2024
In which the GOP takes a stat from 2019 and blames Biden
Who was president in 2019 again?
— Amy McGrath (@AmyMcGrathKY) June 14, 2023
Nothing but redneck noise
here's Maria Bartiromo and Rep. Buddy Carter searching for reasons to criticize Biden over new data showing inflation at its lowest reading in well over 2 years
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) June 13, 2023
Friday, June 16, 2023
Morons appealing to morons
Charlie Kirk: "I'm going through my refrigerator and I'm starting to ask the question: Was this ketchup bottle woke? Is this mustard? I mean, literally."
— Media Matters (@mmfa) June 13, 2023
Easy as 1, 2, 3 the GOP is going to fuck over you and me
There are literally only 3 things you can count on the GOP always wanting to do:
— John Oberlin (@OMGno2trump) June 13, 2023
(1) cut taxes for rich people
(2) give money to big corporations
(3) cut benefits for everyone else
New GOP Bills Would Hand Richest 1% Over $28 Billion in Tax Cuts Next Year
It's like the Manson cult, only MAGA is stupider
We hear a lot about the "woke mind virus". But if there's any "mind virus" out there it's the one that has tens of millions of adults threatening guerrilla warfare over a 70-something codger doing some kind of Benny Hill cat and mouse game over bankers boxes at his beach hotel.
— Josh Marshall (@joshtpm) June 12, 2023
Trump is a dumpster fire in a shit storm
We’ve had 46 U.S. Presidents, and they’ve been indicted on a total of 71 felony counts. Here’s how it breaks down:
— Ben Wexler (@mrbenwexler) June 10, 2023
1-44: 0
45: 71
46: 0
Thursday, June 15, 2023
On my way to where the air is sweet...
On our Street, we celebrate inclusion, belonging, and freedom of authentic self-expression. Happy #PrideMonth to all the people in our neighborhoods! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜💗🤍🤎🖤
— Sesame Street (@sesamestreet) June 12, 2023
Reason # 9,726 to NEVER trust a cop
Georgia law enforcement officers with federal and state indicted felon.
— Ron Filipkowski (@RonFilipkowski) June 10, 2023
American lives be damned as long as Trump gets paid
"He kept intelligence documents because those secrets could be used in a transaction...He may not have known how and when he would cash in this currency, but there can be little doubt that he was determined to retain the ability to do just that."
— Bill Kristol (@BillKristol) June 11, 2023
Oh, the hypocrisy!
Just so you know, Republicans believe that if you commit a crime you cannot be tried for it if you are a candidate for president because it will spell the end of the Republic. (Unless your name is Hillary Clinton, of course, in which case you should be locked up.)
— digby (@digby56) June 10, 2023
Wednesday, June 14, 2023
Marjorie Taylor Greene is stupid on steroids
Shhhh. Don't show her the "How A Bill Becomes A Law" cartoon. She'll be crushed.
— digby (@digby56) June 12, 2023
For the GOP, it's all about the white supremacy
Two dozen white supremacists are outside the main Disney World entrance in Orlando right now, marching with signs featuring Gov DeSantis’s face, swastikas, the n-word and homophobic slurs.
— Shannon Watts (@shannonrwatts) June 10, 2023
This is the 2023 Republican Party.
There is no cure
We’re six years into this.
— Jared Yates Sexton (@JYSexton) June 10, 2023
People have to stop wondering “when will the MAGA base wake up and give up on Trump?”
It. Will. Not. Happen.
It’s now part of their fundamental identity. The question now isn’t waiting on them to snap out of it but mitigating the damage.
Even more Americans killed by Trump's idiocy
Oct 2021, NYT reported unusually high number of foreign citizens serving as U.S. gov. informants had been killed, arrested, or compromised by rival intelligence agencies.
— Jane (@JaneVoter2018) June 9, 2023
The docs recovered from Mar-a-Lago contain info pertinent to human intelligence.
Tuesday, June 13, 2023
Friday Night Jukebox, Vol. CDXL--Lou Reed: The Blue Mask (Album)
The Saudi Arabia connection is beyond fishy
"I think the DOJ should be, if they're not already, [be] looking at the unholy relationships that exist between Saudi Arabia, Mohammed bin Salman, and Jared Kushner," he explained.
— McSpocky™ (@mcspocky) June 10, 2023
Why, indeed?
“Why isn’t Trump covered as a radical and insurrectionist who has waged a multi-year campaign against American democracy? Why isn’t he covered like Farrakhan, the Blind Sheikh, the Unabomber, or any other person who attacked America and killed Americans?”
— Steve Schmidt (@SteveSchmidtSES) January 27, 2023
Trump fucked around, and now he's finding out
The horrible precedent isn't that Trump was indicted. The horrible precedent is that we had a president who repeatedly broke the law.
— Anne Applebaum (@anneapplebaum) June 9, 2023
Fuck Up First
Trump was the FIRST President to be indicted
— Lindy Li (@lindyli) June 8, 2023
FIRST to be indicted 2x
FIRST to be found liable for sexual abuse
FIRST to terrorize our Capitol
FIRST to spread the Big Lie
FIRST to be impeached 2x
FIRST to hop in bed with 9/11 funders
THIS is what America First really means
Monday, June 12, 2023
Some idiot got paid to write this embarrassingly bad take
WSJ editorial board: "The greatest irony of the age of Trump is that for all his violating of democratic norms, his frenzied opponents have done and are doing their own considerable damage to democracy."
— Brian Stelter (@brianstelter) June 10, 2023
Things that make you go hmmm...
The chances that Saudi Arabia, Russia and/or China don’t have copies of classified documents is about zero. They had spies all over Mar-a-Lago and Trump Tower; Trump loved kissing up to Putin; and Jared didn’t get his $2 billion for nothing.
— Jon Cooper (@joncoopertweets) June 9, 2023
Maybe not so elite? Doesn't take much to see Trump is a fucking idiot
It never occurs to the elite wingnuts that Trump might actually be the corrupt imbecile he appears to be.
— digby (@digby56) June 9, 2023
The real budget buster: defense spending
It's infuriating a) how much "defense" spending dominates the federal budget & workforce, b) how much of that spending is channeled to private contractors, with zero scrutiny & mountains of graft, and c) how little attention any of this gets in US political discourse.
— David Roberts (@drvolts) June 8, 2023