Saturday, December 31, 2022
Republicans sure have lots of comrades in Russia
Who funds George Santos?
— Lindy Li (@lindyli) December 29, 2022
Cousin of a Russian oligarch
Who funds the NRA?
Kremlin officials
Who funds the Trumps?
Deutsche Bank which specializes in Russian money laundering
Who funded the Trump campaign?
Russia through Mitch McConnell’s campaign manager
Spot the pattern?
How bad do you have to be at your job not to know this?
Why do reporters write this dumb shit just because some Republican chode said it? Dem presidents have voluntarily released their returns for years.
— David Roberts (@drvolts) December 29, 2022
And still zero republicans calling for his resignation
So George Santos has now lied about his mother’s death, family name, source of wealth, being Jewish, half-black, biracial, gay, college educated, a cancer survivor, Holocaust descendent, and Citigroup + Goldman employee.
— Matt McDermott (@mattmfm) December 29, 2022
And likely committed financial crimes.
Missing anything?
And please bring along numerous MAGA Senate and U.S. House candidates, too
Just In: Donald Trump is promoting an article on his social media site that suggests he should run as an Independent in 2024 to teach the GOP a lesson by handing the election to Democrats.
— Really American 🇺🇸 (@ReallyAmerican1) December 29, 2022
Do you support Trump teaching the GOP a lesson with yet another massive loss?
Friday, December 30, 2022
Friday Night Jukebox, Vol. CDXVII--Avicii: Wake Me Up
We do indeed need you
When people ask me for advice to women in the arena, my answer: Be Yourself.
— Nancy Pelosi (@TeamPelosi) December 27, 2022
You will be underestimated — as I was every day of my 20 years in House leadership — but don’t let that stop you.
Know your power: what you bring to the table is unique and special. We need you! -NP
Unfortunately, this is all too true
Overheard: Men tend to choose higher paying careers like doctor, lawyer, CEO or engineer. Women tend to choose lower paying careers like female doctor, female lawyer, female CEO or female engineer
— Mohamad Safa (@mhdksafa) December 27, 2022
Should be easy to do
My strategic advise for everyone not interested in spending their next decade in an America First reeducation camp is to mock the House GOP majority mercessly. That is how we stop them.
— Rachel Bitecofer 📈🔭🇺🇲🇺🇦 (@RachelBitecofer) November 18, 2022
Speaking of groomers...
The guy who had sex with a minor is urging Republicans not to vote for the world's biggest suckass for Speaker because he prefers the guy who facilitated a massive cover-up of serial sexual abuse at a university.
— Duty To Warn 🔉 (@duty2warn) December 26, 2022
Thursday, December 29, 2022
Troll on down the highway
This is amazing: President Biden invited the gay nephew of the Republican Congresswoman who cried over marriage equality to the White House to watch him sign marriage equality into law.
— No Lie with Brian Tyler Cohen (@NoLieWithBTC) December 20, 2022
Lies and damned lies
The level of uniform gaslighting and rewriting history and blanketing American media and public space we’re enduring currently from republicans and musk is unprecedented in the modern world. Mao would be impressed. They are manufacturing a fake reality built of pure fascist lies.
— Luke Zaleski (@ZaleskiLuke) December 26, 2022
Donald Trump was ample proof their concerns were not religious
If you think fertilized eggs deserved to be treated like people but refugees don’t, you're going to have to stop pretending your concerns are religious.
— L O L G O P (@LOLGOP) December 25, 2022
Man, not sure the sun could burn someone this bad
yes, please do enlighten me. email me at
— Greta Thunberg (@GretaThunberg) December 28, 2022
Wednesday, December 28, 2022
Brevity is the soul of wit
For clarity: Donald Trump is a criminal, grifter and fraud. Flynn's a traitor. So is Meadows. SCOTUS is compromised. JFK Jr is dead. Fox News is NOT news. Putin's a war criminal. McCarthy doesn't have the votes. Pence is pathetic. Musk is a manipulator. And DeJoy deserves deJail.
— Duty To Warn 🔉 (@duty2warn) December 23, 2022
Falsifying your resume would get you fired from any other job
George Santos now claims he merely “embellished” his resume.
— Tristan Snell (@TristanSnell) December 27, 2022
Umm, no. He made up entire degrees and jobs that did not exist. That’s not embellishing, that’s fabricating.
The man is a fraud. He defrauded the voters of his district and must RESIGN — or face a total investigation.
Even more reasons why I'm sticking with the union
I support unions because we’ve all had bad bosses, bad management, and bad workplaces. Unions are a way for workers to fix those problems or at least defend against the worst outcomes of them. Who can’t get behind that?
— Mary Peltola (@MaryPeltola) December 25, 2022
The Government of Putin
Kevin McCarthy refused to escort Zelensky to the Capitol rotunda
— Lindy Li (@lindyli) December 22, 2022
Boebert and Gaetz refused to go through security screening
They also refused to stand or clap during his speech & were on their phones the whole time
Do you need any more proof the GOP is the Government of Putin?
Tuesday, December 27, 2022
This is how close we came to losing America
!! O’Brien testified that Sen. MCCONNELL called him on Jan. 8 and raised a concern that Navy SEAL teams sympathetic to Trump were organizing to block Biden’s inauguration.
— Kyle Cheney (@kyledcheney) December 24, 2022
United we stand, divided they fall
Marjorie Taylor Greene & Lauren Boebert are scratching each others’ eyes out
— Lindy Li (@lindyli) December 20, 2022
Trump & DeSantis are going at it
Kev McCarthy & Matt Gaetz are at each others’ throats
Ronna McDaniel is fighting for her job
Mitch & Trump hate each other
But it’s the Dems who are in disarray? 🤣
Fox bullshit
Sean Hannity pushing election fraud lies for 2 years on his show then testifying under oath that he “did not believe it for one second,” is all you need to know about Fox News.
— Kate 🪬🤍🇺🇸 (@ImSpeaking13) December 22, 2022
America's great national joke: the republican party
Right-wingers have absolutely beclowned themselves by turning on Zelensky, who has embodied their supposed ideal of brave virtuous manliness in defense of his people and country, as well as kicking the ass of America's most dangerous enemy.
— Noah Smith 🐇🇺🇦 (@Noahpinion) December 22, 2022
Monday, December 26, 2022
Friday Night Jukebox, Vol. CDXVI--Courtney Barnett: Avant Gardener
Don't want to hear any republican say "patriotism" ever again
For all of them, Russia’s the ideal. It’s the degenerate state they want to emulate and the foreign power they want to enlist against American democracy.
— Josh Marshall (@joshtpm) December 22, 2022
Wherein Nancy bitch slaps little Kevin
Pelosi: "It was sad to hear the minority leader earlier say that this legislation is the most shameful thing to be seen on the House floor in this Congress. I can't help but wonder, has he forgotten January 6?"
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) December 23, 2022
Republicans would make a pig puke
100,000 Texans lost power as temperatures plunge and ERCOT is still a shitshow
— Lindy Li (@lindyli) December 25, 2022
So what does Greg Abbott do mere hours before Christmas?
Drop a bus load of migrants in front of Vice President Harris’s home
This is the party of bigots that purports to follow Jesus Christ
Even Christmas can't stop Trump from being a worthless fucking asshole
Biden’s Christmas message vs. Trump’s Christmas message.
— No Lie with Brian Tyler Cohen (@NoLieWithBTC) December 25, 2022
Sunday, December 25, 2022
Happy Xmas (War Is Over)
[WATCH] House Passes $1.7B Spending Bill to Aid Ukraine and Avoid Govt Shutdown
— #TuckFrump (@realTuckFrumper) December 23, 2022
It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas
This Senate Democratic Majority confirmed a historic slate of 97 diverse, well-qualified judicial nominees.
— Chuck Schumer (@SenSchumer) December 23, 2022
We will keep going, and our democracy will unquestionably be better for it!
Silver and Gold
Today we learned that incomes are up and inflation is down. Welcome breathing room as our economy has been growing.
— President Biden (@POTUS) December 23, 2022
Another reason for optimism as we head into the holidays and the new year.
Angels We Have Heard on High
Bidens read to patients at Children's National Hospital
— #TuckFrump (@realTuckFrumper) December 24, 2022
Saturday, December 24, 2022
Democrats are saving us from republican insanity
It's 2022, when you say there's no difference between the two parties you don't sound enlightened, you sound like a moron.
— Rachel Bitecofer 📈🔭🇺🇲🇺🇦 (@RachelBitecofer) December 21, 2022
I've wondered about this from the get go
Why is Marjorie Taylor Greene stabbing MAGA in the back by supporting RINO Kevin McCarthy for speaker? What bribes did he promise her?
— No Lie with Brian Tyler Cohen (@NoLieWithBTC) December 20, 2022
Inquiring minds would like to know
Republicans now warning that releasing Trump’s tax returns could mean releasing Supreme Court justices’ tax returns.
— Tristan Snell (@TristanSnell) December 20, 2022
Exactly. For example, Americans deserve to know who paid off Brett Kavanaugh’s $92,000 country club balance, $200,000 in credit card debt, and $1,200,000 mortgage
The arc of history bends toward justice
If throwing Donald Trump in jail starts a second Civil War, we'll just have to win that one, too.
— Middle Age Riot (@middleageriot) December 20, 2022
Friday, December 23, 2022
They are shit stains in America's underwear
2 died of Ebola: They said Obama should resign.
— Andrea Junker (@Strandjunker) December 20, 2022
4 died in Benghazi: They had Hillary testify for 11 hours, held 33 hearings, and launched a 4-year probe.
1,113,307 Covid deaths plus an armed insurrection thanks to Trump’s malevolence: They cheered, and want America to move on.
Completely the fault of the "pro-life" party
Guns are now the No. 1 killer of children in the U.S., surpassing car crashes. Gun death rates for children have been rising for years, and in 2020 guns became the leading cause of death for those ages 1 to 18.
— The New York Times (@nytimes) December 18, 2022
Looks like a lot more republicans are going to be dying
⚠️THERMONUCLEAR BAD—Hospitals completely overwhelmed in China ever since restrictions dropped. Epidemiologist estimate >60% of 🇨🇳 & 10% of Earth’s population likely infected over next 90 days. Deaths likely in the millions—plural. This is just the start—🧵
— Eric Feigl-Ding (@DrEricDing) December 19, 2022
Perhaps, but unlike you, I'm not a child molester
Gaetz: In Florida, if you’re still wearing a mask, we just assume you’re hideous
— Acyn (@Acyn) December 19, 2022
Thursday, December 22, 2022
A Nobel Peace Prize for Joe Biden?
Zelensky’s trip to Washington (his first outside Ukraine since the invasion), his meeting with Biden, and address to Congress tie Ukraine and the US together more indelibly than ever. They are very public allies, confirming the Ukraine war is clearly superpower vs. superpower.
— Jim Sciutto (@jimsciutto) December 21, 2022
A disgrace to America
I’m sure they would stand and cheer for Putin, like much of the GOP today, disgracefully.
— Garry Kasparov (@Kasparov63) December 22, 2022
Traitorous fascist enemies of democracy--in other words, republicans
The hostility that the right has for President Zelensky and his people—our ALLIES fighting a brutal unprovoked war/invasion by a murderous war criminal dictator and lifelong ADVERSARY of the United States—exposes them for the traitorous fascist enemies of democracy that they are.
— Andrew Wortman (@AmoneyResists) December 21, 2022
Trump is a piece of dog shit in every way
Trump is a tax dodger. Either he pays $0 income taxes in most years or when he does pay it’s 2-5% of his income when folks in that income range pay 30% average (37% marginal).
— Nouriel Roubini (@Nouriel) December 21, 2022
Trump Paid $1.1 Million in Taxes During Presidency, but $0 in 2020, Report Shows
Wednesday, December 21, 2022
Only voted so I could see what excuse candy ass Musk would come up with to continue apace
— Justin Baragona (@justinbaragona) December 20, 2022
Our dude wants a do-over that only includes his fanboys who are paying for their checkmarks.
King of the groomers
The only time Jim Jordan should ever be trending is to remind folks that he knew dozens of boys on the wrestling team were being molested and he did nothing about it.
— BrooklynDad_Defiant!☮️ (@mmpadellan) December 20, 2022
So I'm reminding you all.
And supported the trickle down economics lie
And yet y’all still voted against raising the minimum wage
— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) December 19, 2022
They've sold America's soul to Saudi Arabia
Elon Musk is hanging out with Jared Kushner and the Saudis — the architects of 9/11 — at the World Cup
— Lindy Li (@lindyli) December 18, 2022
Jared got $2 billion in blood money from the Saudis
Elon co-owns Twitter with the Saudis
You are the company you keep
Tuesday, December 20, 2022
Terminal case of stupid?
Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with these people?
— Jo 🌻 (@JoJoFromJerz) December 18, 2022
A nay on the manger
“People need to stop forcing their beliefs on children!”
— Mrs. Betty Bowers (@BettyBowers) December 17, 2022
—Christian Nationalists, placing plastic Baby Jesuses in public squares and schools to force their beliefs on Jewish, Muslim, and Atheist children.
Free speech for white guys, not for black guys
Do I have this right…conservatives love free speech for Elon Musk, but hate free speech for Colin Kaepernick?
— Robert Reich (@RBReich) December 18, 2022
Even more echoes of Nazi Germany
.@RepSwalwell: "The risk for our country is that we are lurching into this era where violence will be preferred over voting, because Republicans know that what they actually believe in is not popular."
— The ReidOut (@thereidout) December 17, 2022
Monday, December 19, 2022
And they all should be in jail
Sitting members of Congress were texting the WH Chief of Staff urging him to get the President to end American democracy by suspending the Constitution to illegally seize power 3 days before the inauguration. That's what declaring martial law meant.
— Rachel Bitecofer 📈🔭🇺🇲🇺🇦 (@RachelBitecofer) December 17, 2022
I'll have mine with a little extra salt--to rub into the traitor's wounds
holy shitting fuck, the Jan 6 committee is going to vote Monday on referring at least THREE criminal charges against Trump: insurrection, witness tampering, and conspiracy to defraud the US. stock up on popcorn, my friends
— Jeff Tiedrich (@itsJeffTiedrich) December 16, 2022
Afraid and ignorant pretty much sums up MAGA
The Red Guard went after doctors. The Khmer Rouge killed doctors. Stalin sent doctors to the gulag. Radical movements fear educated professionals because the movements are driven by fear and ignorance.
— stuart stevens (@stuartpstevens) December 16, 2022
For republicans, freedom's just another word for fascism
Ron DeSantis banned books, banned abortion, banned Black history month, banned saying gay, criminalized peaceful protests, punished those who dared oppose his policies from officials to Disney to the Tampa Bay Rays but DeSantis tells us he is all about one thing: Freedom.
— (((DeanObeidallah))) (@DeanObeidallah) December 14, 2022
Sunday, December 18, 2022
Their God isn't so good
Sodom and Gomorrah is not about punishing homosexuality.
— Mrs. Betty Bowers (@BettyBowers) December 14, 2022
It's about God killing everyone in town (including pregnant women & kids), sparing a man (after he offers his daughters for rape), & killing his wife for the sin of rubbernecking so dad can have sex with both daughters.
Don't doubt it for a minute
Extremely important piece from @imillhiser on the first Trump judge to come after birth control post-Dobbs.
— Mark Joseph Stern (@mjs_DC) December 13, 2022
Yes, they are gunning for contraception next.
Penny wise and pound foolish
Of the 37 richest nations in the world, the U.S. comes in at number 35 on what we spend on child care and early education. That’s not how you build a future. Working parents need help, our kids need a solid foundation, and our nation needs universal child care and early learning.
— Elizabeth Warren (@ewarren) December 13, 2022
The rich aren't smarter than us, just better at con jobs
LIVE: FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried was charged with eight criminal counts, including conspiracy and wire fraud for allegedly misusing billions of dollars in customers’ funds before the spectacular collapse of his crypto empire
— Bloomberg Crypto (@crypto) December 13, 2022
Saturday, December 17, 2022
Republicans have blocked an increase in minimum wage for 15 years
If someone working full time at the minimum wage can’t afford their basic needs, then there’s a problem — and it’s not the worker.
— Mary Peltola (@MaryPeltola) December 15, 2022
Malevolence is their agenda now
Much of what has happened to the @GOP has nothing to do with politics. It’s the story of a voluntary association of people who decided to not only tolerate petty viciousness but value it. Graciousness & kindness are weakness. It’s not new or interesting. It’s just a choice.
— stuart stevens (@stuartpstevens) December 14, 2022
This is the reality America is facing
So this week we’ve learned (1) Rep. Gosar backs Trump’s call to “terminate” the Constitution to keep him in office, (2) Rep. Greene said if she’d led the 1/6 coup they “would’ve been armed” & won, and (3) Rep. Norman urged Trump to declare martial law to do so after 1/6 failed.
— Kevin M. Kruse (@KevinMKruse) December 12, 2022
Sinking like a stone
USA Today/Suffolk poll:
— Sahil Kapur (@sahilkapur) December 13, 2022
Biden 47%, Trump 40%
Among Republican voters: DeSantis 56%, Trump 33%
Trump’s rating with Republicans: 64% favorable, 23% unfavorable
Friday, December 16, 2022
Friday Night Jukebox, Vol. CDXV--Old 97's: Question
In the end, just another fascist loser
DEVELOPING: Twitter suspends several high-profile journalists who have been covering the company and Elon Musk.
— NBC News (@NBCNews) December 16, 2022
I had some MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENTS the last couple of weeks, too…
— Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) December 15, 2022
✔️ Inflation’s easing
✔️ I just signed the Respect for Marriage Act
✔️ We brought Brittney Griner home
✔️ Gas prices are lower than a year ago
✔️ 10,000 new high-paying jobs in Arizona
In which Trump utterly humiliates himself
MAGA fans fume at Trump over digital trading cards stunt: 'He can't win in '24'
— Grandpa Rob 😷 🇺🇸 🇺🇦 (@Phylter52) December 15, 2022
Even losers recognize a loser
Here's the trendline: In our July poll, 60% of Republican voters wanted Trump to run for president again. In October, it was 56%. In our new poll, it's 47%. @USATODAY @Suffolk_U >>>
— Susan Page (@SusanPage) December 14, 2022
Thursday, December 15, 2022
Sure could use a little good news
This has been a very good year for Democrats. Our third consecutive successful election against MAGA.
— Simon Rosenberg (@SimonWDC) December 7, 2022
Very proud of my party, hopeful for my country.
Gonna be lots of fun to see how many republicans the next pandemic kills off
At a time in this pandemic when the Governor of Florida should be imploring the residents of his state to get vaccinated, he does this.
— Jonathan Reiner (@JReinerMD) December 14, 2022
What's a traitor here or there for the Speakership?
Kevin Mcarthy needs the vote of people who tried to overthrow the government in order to be Speaker, so when his actions are covered next year, it’s not just a “right wing base” or a “razor thin margin,” but that he needs insurrectionist votes to achieve and maintain power.
— Brian Schatz (@brianschatz) December 13, 2022
Another Big Fucking Deal from the Democratic Party
Ten years ago, President Biden announced his support for marriage equality – becoming the highest-ranking U.S. government official to do so.
— The White House (@WhiteHouse) December 13, 2022
Today, @POTUS signed historic legislation to protect marriage for same-sex and interracial couples.
Wednesday, December 14, 2022
Friday Night Jukebox, Vol. CDXIV--Lorde: Royals
Big piggies
The ravings of a madman
Elon Musk is now explicitly encouraging his 120 million followers to start following QAnon.
— Caroline Orr Bueno, Ph.D (@RVAwonk) December 13, 2022
Put differently, Elon Musk is encouraging his 120 million followers to join a domestic terrorism movement.
Off the deep end and into the cesspool
🔥Mark Meadows Exchanged Conspiracy Riddled Texts With 34 Members Of Congress About Plans To Overturn The 2020 Election. @RepRalphNorman wants Trump to declare Martial Law but thinks it’s spelled Marshall…
— Venture Capital (@kelly2277) December 12, 2022
We're cool, they're pathetic
Being woke progressive means being awake to the suffering and oppression of others and open and enthusiastic about modernity and change. It means being better than you were. For us change is joyful and liberating. I’d much rather be us than miserable them.
— Joy-Ann (Pro-Democracy) Reid 😷 (@JoyAnnReid) December 11, 2022
No shit!
If Democrats really were rigging elections, we'd be in Hillary's second term. Just saying.
— Victoria Brownworth #NotLeavingThisBirdApp (@VABVOX) December 10, 2022
Tuesday, December 13, 2022
The call is coming from inside the house...
“If Steve Bannon and I had orchestrated January 6th - we would have won.” - Marjorie Taylor Greene
— The Lincoln Project (@ProjectLincoln) December 12, 2022
This is the leader of the MAGA GOP. Don't look away, in a post January 6th America this is a real threat.
Reality bites (Musk in the ass)
Turns out Twitter can, in fact, be real life.
— Steven Goffman (@SteveGoffman) December 12, 2022
The Twitter lies, part one
A former twitter employee testified under oath to the J6 Committee that Trump’s account was given free passes for countless violations that would have gotten anyone else permanently suspended thousands of times over. And we saw it ourselves. Fuck you and your lies @elonmusk.
— Andrew Wortman (@AmoneyResists) December 12, 2022
And he's going to keep on losing
The biggest loser tonight isn't Herschel Walker. It's Donald Trump.
— Robert Reich (@RBReich) December 7, 2022