Thursday, April 2, 2015

Jekyll and Hillary

For all the grief she takes, turns out Hillary Clinton's voting record over the course of her Senate career was, well, pretty Liberal.  Clinton comes in as the 11th most Liberal Senator for the 107th, 108th, 109th, and 110th Congresses.  In fairness--as Digby notes in the link--most Democratic Senators aren't quite the Liberal Lion that Ted Kennedy was in their voting patterns, but still....

...I've had a sneaking suspicion that the Hillary Clinton we see on the campaign trail might not be the Hillary Clinton we see in the White House.  Why?  This (and I freely admit it's mostly anecdotal):

"What difference does it make?' indeed.  She didn't back down and took him rightfully to task for being another in a long line of republican knotheads.  She wasn't candidate Clinton, she was forceful and truthful Clinton.  She had nothing to lose and she basically flipped him the bird with words.

I don't think she'll have anything to lose when she makes it into the White House, either.


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