Monday, September 2, 2024

Happy Labor Day!

Union Patriots Unite!

As regular readers know (all three of you), Labor Day is one of emaycee's favorite days of the year, and as such, I usually celebrate with a nice labor union inspired tune.

This year we have one that I was unfamiliar with before this weekend but have thoroughly enjoyed since first hearing it.  Written by one of my--and the entire union movement's--heroes, Woody Guthrie, "You Gotta Go Down and Join the Union" (alternate title "I'm Gonna Join That One Big Union") is a rousing call to arms and a fine addition to our Pantheon of Labor Union Songs.  And especially appropriate this year as Guthrie's message posted on his guitar, "This machine kills fascists," coincides nicely with our goal to eradicate Trump and his MAGA minions' assault on our democracy.

Enjoy (lyrics here):

Republicans = Nazis

Happy Labor Day!


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