Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Oddz and Endz

T. S. Eliot famously wrote, "April is the cruelest month...." He must have been a San Francisco Giants fan--swear to God, I am worse than Charlie Brown believing Lucy is finally going to let him kick that football. You'd think that after 43 seasons of disappointment, I'd be prepared to be disappointed. Nope--and here I am, disappointed once again. Team will never win the World Series. Not. Going. To. Happen. Seen the commercial for Joan Rivers TV Land show "How'd You Get So Rich?" Basically, it's Ms. Rivers dressed as the Statue of Liberty, reciting it's inscription ("Give me you tired, your poor...."), and then saying she doesn't care, let me talk to the rich people. You know, if there really was a God, he'd let me be standing next to her when she says her spiel and then cold cock that sorry excuse for a human being. It's not bad enough that TV Land so lacks imagination that it has to pass off an infomercial ("Yes, you, too, can be rich if you just follow my secret plan....!") as an actual show, but we have to listen to bullshit like that, too? Thanks, but no fucking thanks. What fucking planet does Douglas Schoen live on? This is what he thinks? Let me tell you, every December since his birth my five year old has sat on Santa's lap and my son thinks the old coot is really Santa. It doesn't mean the old coot fucking is! And Schoen's a Democratic pollster. With idiots like this, we just might be doomed in November. No, the Tea Party is not diverse. Period. It is older, white, more well to do, and most definitely racist (frankly, I'd have a lot more respect for these people if they would just come out and say, "You know what? We don't like black people!" At least then you could respect their honesty.). It is nothing more than the radical wing of the Republican party. And as for all their fiscal responsibility horseshit, it would carry a whole lot more weight if they'd been complaining when GWB was recklessly spending the country into financial ruin. Once, again, thanks but no fucking thanks. And Amity Shaes isn't any better--"the media depicts"? She can cast aspersions on the media all she wants, but if you paint a turd gold, it doesn't miraculously become a gold ingot because you think it's so. It's still a stinking turd and so, frankly, is the Tea Party. Is it just me, or does anyone else detect a touch of crankiness today? Peace, emaycee

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